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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:21 pm
by cimi
December 25



Luke 1:46-55

He who is mighty has
done great things for
me. __ Luke 1:49

I read about a young couple whose business had failed, and they had little money to spend at Christmas. They were going to have to move out of their house after the new year. But they didn't want their holiday season to be spoiled because of it. So they decided to throw a party. When the guests arrived, they saw a cedar tree decorated with one string of lights and small rolled-up pieces of paper tied to the limbs with ribbon.

"Welcome to our 'blessing tree'!" they said, beaming. "In spite of hard times, God has blessed us in so many ways that we decided to dedicate our tree to Him. Each piece of paper describes a blessing He has given us this year."

This couple has faced more trials since then, but they have chosen to stay focused on the Lord. They often remark that the Christmas with the "blessing tree" was one of their most beautiful, because they could testify as Mary did: "My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior....He who is mighty has done great things for me" (Luke 1:47-49).

Whatever your difficulties, they needn't spoil Christmas, for nothing can spoil Christ! Stay focused on Jesus and seek ways to share Hs blessings with others__perhaps through your own "blessing tree." __Joanie Yoder

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus came--and came for me!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Simple words, and yet expressing~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Depths of holy mystery,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Depths of wondrous love and blessing. -- Havergal~~~~~~~

To give meaning to Christmas, give Christ first place.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 1:46-55****************

46 And Mary said:
"My soul magnifies the
Lord, 47 and my spirit has
rejoiced in God my Savior.

48 For He has regarded the
lowly state of His
maidservant; for behold,
henceforth all generations
will call me blessed. 49 For
He who is mighty has done
great things for me, and
holy is His name. 50 And
His mercy is on those who
fear Him from generation to
generation. 51 he has shown
strength with His arm; He
has scattered the proud in
the imagination of their
hearts. 52 He has put down
the mighty from their
thrones, and exalted the
lowly. 53 He has
helped His servant Israel,
in remembrance of His
mercy, 55 as He spoke to our
fathers, to Abraham and to
his seed forever."


After being told that the child she was carrying is the Messiah
(Luke 1:26-35), Mary visited Elizabeth, a relative who was already
miraculously 6 months pregnant (1:36). Upon hearing Mary's voice,
Elizabeth's unborn child (John the Baptist) leaped in her womb
(1:44). Mary responded with this song of praise, in which she made
many references and allusions to the Old Testament, suggesting that
she knew well the Word of God.

Here is just a list of many of those references. In Luke 1:46; she
alluded to Psalm 34:2-3; in verse 47, Psalm 35:9, in verse 48, Psalm
1:38:6; in verse 49, Psalm 71:19. Verse 50 calls to mind Exodus 20:6
and Psalm 103:17; verse 51 echoes Psalm 98:1; verse 52 borrows
from 1 Samuel 2:6-8; verse 53 from 1 Samuel 2:5 and Psalm 107:9.
And in verse 54, Mary recalls God's long-ago blessing to Abraham in
Genesis 22:18. The unborn child she carried was the realization of
that promise. __SKT