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Postby cimi » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:17 pm

December 16


Psalm 24

He is the King of glory-
Selah. __ Psalm 24:16

King David proclaimed: "The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory"
(Ps. 24:10). The word Selah was later added to the end of this psalm and many others. Some believe it refers to an instrumental interlude because the psalms were often set to music. biblical scholars also suggest other possible meanings, including "silence," "pause," "interruption." "accentuate." "exalt," or "end."

Reflecting on these words can help us to take a "Selah moment" to pause and worship God during the day.

Be silent and listen to the voice of God (Ps. 4:10).

Pause from a hectic schedule to be refreshed in spirit (Ps. 42:1-2).

Interrupt the day to do a spiritual inventory and be cleansed (Ps. 51:1-10).

Accentuate the joy of God's [provision through thanksgiving (Ps. 65:9-13).

Exalt the name of God for answered prayer in spite of disappointment (Ps.65:9-13).

End the day by reflecting on the Lord's faithfulness (Ps. 119:148).

David's reflection on God included a Selah moment, Following his example will help us worship our God throughout the day. __Dennis Fisher

~~~~~~~~~~~~From your heart give God your praise~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For His blessings all your days;~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lift your voice to God above--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~God of mercy, God of love. __ Hess~~~~~~~~~~~~

No day is complete without worship.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 24**************

1 The earth is the LORD'S,
and all its fullness, the
world and those who dwell
therein. 2 For He has
founded it upon the seas,
and established it upon
the waters.

3 Who may ascend into the
hill of the LORD? Or who
may stand in His holy
place? 4 He who has clean
hands and a pure heart, who
has not lifted up his soul to
an idol, nor sworn
deceitfully. 5 He shall
receive blessing from the
LORD, and righteousness
from the God of his
salvation. 6 This is Jacob,
the generation of those
who seek Him, who seek
Your face.

7 Lift up your heads, O
you gates! And be lifted up,
you everlasting doors! And
the King of glory shall
come in. 8 Who is this King
of glory? The LORD strong
and mighty, the LORD
mighty in battle. 9 Lift up
your heads, O you gates!
Lift up, you everlasting
doors! And the King of
glory shall come in. 10 Who
is this King of glory? The
LORD of hosts, He is the
King of glory.


Taking time during the day to reconnect with our heavenly Father
is often challenged by the tyranny of the urgent. But it is important
to look at Jesus' example in making time for prayer despite a busy
schedule. After a demanding evening of healing ministry (Mark
1:32-34), our Lord still sought a place to pray: "Now in the morning,
having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed
to a solitary place; and there He prayed" (v.35). __ HDF
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