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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 6:58 pm
by cimi


Isaiah 40:1-8
The grass withers
and the flowers
fall, but the Word
of our God endures
forever. Isaiah 40:8
As a toddler, my son Xavier enjoyed giving me flowers. I appreciated every freshly picked weed or store-bought blossom he purchased with his dad. I treasured each gift unitl it wilted and had to be thrown away.

One day, xavier gave me a beautiful bouquet of artificial flowers. He grinned as he arranged the silk whit calla lily, yellow sundlower, and purple hydrangea in a glass vase. “Look, Mommy,” he said. “They’ll last forever. That’s how much I love you.”

Since then, my boy has grown into a young man. Those silk petals have frayed. The colors have faded. Still, the Forever Flowers remind me of his adoration. And there is something else it brings to mind-one thing that truly stands forever_-the limitless and lasting love of God, as revealed in His infallible and enduring Word (ISA. 40:8).

As the Israelites faced continual trials, Isaiah comforted them with confidence in God’s enduring words (40:1). He proclaimed that God paid the debt caused by the Israelites’ sin (v.2), securing their hope in the coming Messiah (vv.3-5). They trusted the prophet because his focus remained on God rather than their circumstances.

In a world filled with uncertainties and affliction, the opinions of man and even our own feelings are ever-shifting and as limited as our mortality (vv.6-7). Still, we can trust God’s unchanging love and character as revealed through His constant and eternally true Word.
__Xochitl Dixon
God affirms His love through His dependable and unchanging Word,
which endures now and forevermore.