Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:25 pm

```````````````````````````````CALL TO ME````````````````````````````

God is eager to communicate with His children. The Lord's words to Jeremiah extend to us as well: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things" (Jer. 33:3). What we need to do is to get ready to hear Him. Hearing from God is a learning process that takes time, but it is available to everyone who desires it. We don't have to have reached some high level of spiritual maturity. We don't have to have it all together, with all the struggles of our lives under control. He is available to us just as we are.

It's also important that we allow ourselves the freedom to listen expectantly for Him. During Jesus' ministry, He took time alone with His Father and told His disciples to do the same (Mark 6:31,46). We too need a quiet place free from distraction. Once there, how do we know that what we're hearing is truly from God?

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if it is God speaking to you:

. Is it consistent with Scripture?

. Is it consistent with the character of God?

. Does it lead to change or growth in your life?

. Does it lead to the restoration of relationships?

. Is there a sense of healing; release from past sin
or pain?

. Is there a sense of peace, a lessening of anxiety,
of contentment where once there was striving?

. Does it lead to conviction instead of guilt?

There is a distinct difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of the devil,
because the two speak different languages. The characteristics of each should help you distinguish who is
speaking. However, we sometimes mistake Satan's voice
for God's, because Satan's voice fits so well with our
own distortions and misunderstandings about God and
how we think He feels about us. But God speaks to us
in a way that is completely different from the condem-
nation of Satan.

How can you tell the difference? Satan communicates
in the following way:

. Tone: accusing, nagging, and mocking. Generates
fear and causes confusion.

. Vague: generates an overall sense of guilt, as if
everything is wrong. Creates feelings of hopeless-
ness and weakness.

. Discouraging: attacks your self-confidence, tells
you that you are weak and worthless.
. Brings up the past: replays your sin and shame,
reminds you of your poor choices.

. Rejecting: produces the feeling that God has
rejected you as unworthy and unholy. Portrays
God as judge and you as miserable sinner.

. Isolating: gives suggestions that cause you to
withdraw from others.

. Negative: tells you that the horrible way you
feel is the way it is.

The conviction of the Holy Spirit is just the opposite:

. Tone: gentle, loving, imploring, and urges your
return to Him.

. Specific: tells you to take a specific action in
response to sin; freedom follows.

. Encouraging: says you can rely on His power, not
your strength.

. Releases you from the past: tells you your sins are
forgiven, never to be held against you.

. Attracts: Generates an expectation of kindness,
love, and a new beginning with His help.

. Draws into fellowship: sends others to minister to
you in love, as well as sends you to others. speaks
of his unchanging nature and steadfast love.

. Truthful: states the facts about you and God.

Use the list above as a guideline so you will be able to
clearly hear God's responses as you share your heart
with Him.

The Bible is clear about the fact that God actively
pursues a personal relationship with His children. He
delights in you and desires to bring restoration to the
painful places in your life. He offers himself as a refuge
from fear and anxiety. He holds out His strength to those
who are weak, and He longs to mourn with those who
are broken. He is here for you__anytime you come.

He is gently calling, "Come with Me."

This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine loved ones. Don't let Satan snuff it out! YOU are the conqueror. And even more than just that. You are "More than a conqueror! At this time of year we should be shining more than ever because of the love of the first-born of God. When we wake up, the Devil is right there condemning us. DON'T LISTEN! As soon as we hear the Devils voice we should instantly ask Jesus to help us hear His voice and so drown out the vileness of the Devil's. Just remember, God loved us enough to die for us. Don't ever forget just How much love that was shown to us in that one act. He made us. He died for us. He's as close as our breath. He's cheering for us. He didn't just make us and moved on. He is always with us even to the end of the age. And he has a gift for us that we have to look forward to. Yes. Heaven. Spread a little Heaven this Christmas, folks. Let those friends and relatives that you know that aren't His yet feel the warm blanket and the ultimate gift of Jesus that trumps any gift laid under the tree.

Love in Christ,
And Merry Christmas!
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Location: Washington

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