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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:33 pm
by cimi
October 13


Proverbs 25:11-15
A word fitly spoken is
like apples of gold in
settings of silver.
__Proverbs 25:11

You may have heard the adage, "timing is everything." According to the bible, good timing applies to our words and speech too. think of a time when God used you to bring a timely word to refresh someone, or when you wanted to speak, but it was wiser for you to remain silent.

The Bible says that there is an appropriate time to speak (Eccl. 3:7). Solomon compared properly timed and well-spoken words with golden apples in a silver setting__beautiful, valuable, and carefully crafted (Prov. 25:11-12). Knowing the right time to speak is beneficial for both the speaker and hearer, whether they are words of love, encouragement, or rebuke. Keeping silent also has its place and time. When tempted to deride, belittle, or slander a neighbor, Solomon said that it is wise to hold our tongue, recognizing the appropriate time for silence (11:12-13). When talkativeness or anger tempts us to sin against God or another human being, resistance comes by being slow to speak (10:19; James 1:19).

It's often hard to know what to say and when to say it. The Spirit will help us to be discerning. He will help us use the right words at the right time and in the right manner, for the good of others and for His honor. __Marvin Williams

``````````````````````Heavenly Father, thank You for using others to```````````````````````
`````````````````````speak words of encouragement and challenge to``````````````````````
```````````````````me. Help me to be wise in how and when my words`````````````````````
``````````````````````or my silence may be helpful to someone else.```````````````````````
Timely words are works of art.

**********************************Today's Bible Reading __ Proverbs 25:11-15**********************************

11 A word fitly spoken is
like apples of gold in
settings of silver. 12 Like
an earring of gold and an
ornament of fine gold is a
wise rebuker to an
obedient ear.

13 Like the cold of snow
in time of harvest is a
faithful messenger to those
who send him, for he
refreshes the soul of his

14 Whoever falsely boasts
of giving is like clouds and
wind without rain.

15 By long forbearance a
ruler is persuaded, and a
gentle tongue breaks a

Hebrew poetry (such as psalms and proverbs) differs greatly from
Western poetry. Where Western poetry often depends upon rhyme
and meter to artistically tell its tale, Hebrew poetry is dependent
upon linguistic devices to paint the picture of the ideas it is seeking
to convey. One such device, synonymous parallelism, is found in
verse 15. Here, the idea of the first half of the verse is reinforced
through a reworded repetition of that idea in the second half of
the verse. Another common poetic device is found in verses 11-14,
where analogies (notice the word like) form the word-pictures that
carry the meaning.