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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:00 pm
by cimi
September 20


2 Chronicles
Joash did what was
right in the sight of the
LORD all the days of
Jehoiada the priest.
__2 Chronicles 24:2

Joash must have been confused and frightened when he was told about the evil deeds of his grandmother Athaliah. She had murdered his brothers to usurp the power of the throne in Judah. But baby Joash had been safely hidden away by his aunt and uncle for 6 years (2 Chron. 22:10-12). As he grew, he enjoyed the love and instruction of his caregivers. When Joash was only 7 years old, he was secretly crowned king and his grandmother was overthrown (23:12-15).

Young King Joash had a wise counselor by his side__his very own Uncle Jehoiada (chs. 22-25). Joash was one of the rare "good kings" of Judah, and while his uncle was alive he obeyed the Lord by doing right (24:2). But once his uncle was no longer there to teach and lead by example, Joash fell away and his life ended badly (24:15-25). It seems that the roots of his faith did not run very deep. He even began to worship idols. Perhaps Joash's "faith" had been more his uncle's than his own.

Others can teach us the principles of their faith, but each of us must come individually to a lasting and personal faith in Christ. For faith to be real, it must become our own. God will help us walk with him and become rooted and established in the faith (Col. 2:6-7). __Cindy Hess Kasper
`````````````````````I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice,`````````````````````
```````````````````````````And it told Thy love to me;````````````````````````````
``````````````````````But I long to rise in the arms of faith````````````````````````
````````````````````And be closer drawn to Thee. __Crosby````````````````````````
The faith that continues to the end gives proof that it
was genuine in the beginning.

****************************today's Bible Reading __ 2 chronicles 24:15-22*******************************

15 But Jehoiada grew old
and was full of days, and he
died; he was one hundred
and thirty years old when
he died. 16 And they buried
him in the City of David
among the kings, because
he had done good in Israel,
both toward God and His

17 Now after the death of
Jehoiada the leaders of
Judah came and bowed
down to the King. And the
King listened to them.

18 Therefore they left the
house of the LORD God of
their fathers, and served
wooden images and idols;
and wrath came upon Judah
and Jerusalem because of
their trespass. 19 Yet He sent
prophets to them, to bring
them back to the LORD; and
they testified against them,
but they would not listen.

20 Then the Spirit of God
came upon Zechariah the
son of jehoiada the priest,
who stood above the
people, and said tot them,

Thus says God: 'Why do
you transgress the
commandments of the
LORD, so that you cannot
prosper? Because you have
forsaken the LORD, He also
has forsaken you.' "

21 So they conspired
against him, and at the
command of the king they
stoned him with stones in
the court of the house of the
LORD. 22 Thus Joash the
king did not remember the
kindness which Jehoiada
his father had done to him,
but killed his son....


Some scholars believe that Jesus may have been referring to the
brutal murder of Jehoiada's son Zechariah (2 Chron. 24:21) in His
final confrontation with the Jewish religious leaders (Matt. 23:35;
Luke 11:51). The statement "but killed his son" (v.22) is reminiscent
of Jesus' own impending death.