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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:16 pm
by cimi
July 2


Psalm 3

LORD, how they have
increased who trouble
me! __Psalm 3:1

My friend handed me a tall glass of water and told me to hold it. The longer I held it, the heavier it felt. Finally my hand grew tired, and I had to put the glass down. "I've learned that worry can be like holding that glass," she said. "The longer I worry about something, the more my fears weigh me down."

King David knew about fear. his whole life had been turned upside down. His son Absalom had stolen the allegiance of the nation of Israel from him and was attempting to take the throne for himself. David didn't know who was loyal to him and who was against him. His only option seemed to be to run. He said to his servants, "Make haste to depart, lest [Absalom] overtake us suddenly and bring disaster upon us" (2 Sam. 15:14).

In a psalm that David may have written while he was fleeing for his life, he wrote: "I cried to the LORD with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill" (Ps. 3:4). In the midst of his fear, David looked to the Lord. God showed him grace and restored him to the throne.

There are plenty of worries that can weigh us down. But as we release them into God's strong hands, he will help us through our trials. __Anne Cetas

```````````````````Thank You, Lord, that we do not have to be````````````````````
``````````````````weighed down by worry. Help us to place our```````````````````
````````````````````````concerns in Your care so that``````````````````````````
``````````````````````````we do not fear tomorrow.```````````````````````````
Worry is a burden that God
never meant for us to bear.

*******************************Today's bible Reading __ Psalm 3*********************************
1 LORD, how they have
increased who trouble me!

Many are they who rise up
against me. 2 Many are they
who say of me, "There is
no help for him in God."

3 But You, O LORD, are a
shield for me, my glory and
the One who lifts up my
head. 4 I cried to the LORD
with my voice, and He
heard me from His holy hill.

5 I lay down and slept; I
awoke, for the LORD
sustained me. 6 I will not be
afraid of ten thousands of
people who have set
themselves against me all

7 Arise, O LORD; save me,
O my God! For You have
struck all my enemies on
the cheekbone; You have
broken the teeth of the
ungodly. 8 Salvation
belongs to the LORD. your
blessing is upon Your


Sometimes Scripture teaches us directly. The Sermon on the Mount
(Matt5-7) is a great example of this. In other places we learn by
example. Through the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and abed-Nego,
for instance, we learn to stand for God despite the consequences
(Dan. 3).

The New Testament teaches us through the words of Paul and
Peter to be anxious about nothing but to pray and to cast our cares
on Him (Phil. 4:6; 1 peter 5:7). Today's passage illustrates that
principle by example. David, surrounded by trouble and enemies,
prayed and then "lay down and slept." Then he "awoke, for the LORD
sustained [him]" (Ps. 3:5). By praying to God about his cares and
concerns, David was able to proclaim, "Salvation belongs to the
LORD, Your blessing is upon Your people"