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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:07 pm
by cimi
June 6


Joshua 2ยข:2,13-18

Choose for yourselves
this day whom you will
serve....But as for
me and my house, we
will serve the LORD.
__Joshua 24:15

Recently I asked my older sister, Mary Ann, if she remembered when our family moved into the house where we lived for many years. She replied, "You were about 9 months old, and I remember that Mother and Daddy stayed up all night packing boxes and listening to the radio. It was June 6, 1944, and they were listening to live coverage of the Normandy Invasion."

Today marks the 70th anniversary of what has become known as D-Day__a military term for the day on which a planned operation will begin. Over the years, D-Day has also come to mean a moment of decision or commitment in our personal lives.

At one point in ancient Israel, their leader Joshua, now an old man, challenged the people to another kind of D-Day. After years of struggle to possess their inheritance in the land God had promised them, Joshua urged them to faithfully serve the One who had been so faithful to them (Josh. 24). "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve," he said. "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" (v.15).

The day we decide to follow the Savior is the greatest turning point in our life. And each day after, we can joyfully renew our commitment to serve Him. __Dave McCasland

```````````````````Thank You for loving me and forgiving me.```````````````````
`````````````````````Guide me in all my choices today and`````````````````````
```````````````````````help me to serve You faithfully.````````````````````````

Life's biggest decision is what you do with Jesus.

*********************************Today's Bible Reading __ Joshua 24:2, 13-18************************************

2 And Joshua said to all
the people, "Thus says the
LORD God of Israel:...

13 " 'I have given you a
land for which you did not
labor, and cities which you
did not build, and you dwell
in them; you eat of the
vineyards and olive groves
which you did not plant.'

14 "Now therefore, fear the
LORD, serve Him in
sincerity and in truth, and
put away the gods which
your fathers served on the
other side of the River and
in Egypt. Serve the LORD!

15 And if it seems evil to
you to serve the LORD,
choose for yourselves this
day whom you will serve,
whether the gods which
your fathers served that
were on the other side of
the River, or the gods of the
Amorites, in whose land
you dwell. But as for me
and my house, we will
serve the LORD."

16 So the people answered
and said: "Far be it from us
that we should forsake the
LORD to serve other gods;

17 for the LORD our God is
He who brought us and our
fathers up out of the land of
Egypt, from the house of
bondage, who did those
great signs in our sight, and
preserved us in all the way
that we went and among all
the people through whom
we passed. 18 And the LORD
drove out from before us all
the people, including the
Amorites who dwelt in the
land. We also will serve the
LORD, for He is our God."


Joshua 22-24 records Joshua's speech to the Israelites as they begin
to occupy the Promised Land. Reminding them that the land was
God's gift to them (24:13), Joshua urged the people not to worship
their ancestral gods from Mesopotamia or the gods of the Egyptians
and the Canaanites, but instead to fear and serve the Lord in
sincerity and in truth (vv. 14-15).