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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:07 pm
by cimi
March 9


2 Peter 2:1-3, 12-19

Beware of false
prophets, who come to
you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are
ravenous wolves.
__Matthew 7:15

Hiking in the mountains of Utah, Coty Creighton spotted a goat that didn't look like the rest of the herd. A closer look revealed that the unusual animal was actually a man dressed as a goat. When authorities contacted the man, he described his costume as a painter's suit covered in fleece, and he said he was testing his disguise for a hunting trip.

The hunter's deception reminds me of Jesus' words: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they ae ravenous wolves" (Matt. 7:15). False teachers do not bear the fruit of God's Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). Rather, they "walk according to the flesh...and despise authority" (2 Peter 2:10). They are bold, egotistical, and given to greed (vv.10,14). Ruled by their own desires, they exploit people by using "deceptive words" (v.3). The Bible says these wayward spiritual leaders are headed for destruction and will take many unsuspecting and undiscerning people with them (vv.1-2).

Jesus; the Good Shepherd, rather than pursuing personal gain, laid down His life for His sheep. God does not want anyone to be misled by false teaching. He wants us to be aware of those who deceive and follow Him instead__the true Shepherd of our souls. __Jennifer Benson Schuldt

``````````````````````At the name of Jesus`````````````````````
``````````````````````Every knee shall bow,```````````````````
```````````````````Every tongue confess Him,``````````````````
```````````````````King of glory now. __Noel``````````````````

Substitutes abound, but there is only one Christ.

********************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Peter 2:1-3, 12-19**********************

1 But there were also false
prophets among the people,
even as there will be false
teachers among you, who
will secretly bring in
destructive heresies, even
denying the Lord who
bought them, and bring on
themselves swift
destruction. 2 And many
will follow their destructive
ways, because of whom the
way of truth will be
blasphemed. 3 By
covetousness they will
exploit you with deceptive
words; for a long time their
judgment has not been idle,
and their destruction does
not slumber...

12 But these, like natural
brute beasts made to be
caught and destroyed, speak
evil of the things they do
not understand, and will
utterly perish in their own
corruption, 13 and will
receive the wages of
unrighteousness, as those
who count it pleasure to
carouse in the daytime.
They are spots and
blemishes, carousing in
their own deceptions while
they feast with you,

14 having eyes full of
adultery and that cannot
cease from sin, enticing
unstable souls. They have a
heart trained in covetous
practices, and are accursed
children. 15 They have
forsaken the right way and
gone astray....

17 These are wells without
water, clouds carried by a
tempest, for whom is
reserved the blackness of
darkness forever. 18 For
when they speak great
swelling words of
emptiness, they allure
through the lusts of the
flesh, through lewdness, the
ones who have actually
escaped from those who
live in error. 19 While they
promise them liberty, they
themselves are slaves of
corruption; for by whom a
person is overcome, by him
also he is brought into
