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Postby cimi » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:21 pm

February 8


Leviticus 4:1-3;
Romans 3:21-26

If a person sins
let him offer to the
LORD...a young bull
without blemish.
__Leviticus 4:2-3

When I was returning our grandson Alex to his family after a visit, the traffic seemed especially challenging. Fast-maneuvering cars blocked me from the correct toll lane, forcing me to go through a lane where only cars with a prepaid pass are permitted, which I didn't have. Alex told me that my license plate would be photographed and a ticket might be mailed to me. I was frustrated because a penalty would have to be paid even though my infraction was unintentional.

For the ancient Jews, a violation of God's laws committed even in ignorance was taken very seriously. The Old Testament recognized and provided for unintentional sins through appropriate sacrifices: "If a person sins unintentionally against any of the commandments...let him offer to the LORD...a young bull without blemish as a sin offering" (Lev. 4:2-3).

Old Testament sacrifices were more than a reminder that accidental wrongs have consequences. They were given in anticipation that God in His grace would provide atonement even for wrongs we didn't realize we were doing. He did this through the death of Jesus in our place. God's grace is far greater than we could ever imagine! __Dennis Fisher

``````````````````````````Grace, grace, God's grace,```````````````````````
``````````````````Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;`````````````````
````````````````````````Grace, grace, God's grace,`````````````````````````
``````````````Grace that is greater than all our sin. __Johnston```````````````
Grace is getting what we do not deserve.
Mercy is not receiving what we do deserve.

*******************************Today's Bible Reading __ Lev. 4:1-3; Rom. 3:21-26****************************

Leviticus 4

1 Now the LORD spoke to
Moses, saying,

2 "Speak to the children of
Israel, saying: 'If a person
sins unintentionally against
any of the commandments
of the LORD in anything
which ought not to be done,
and does any of them, 3 if
the anointed priest sins,
bringing guilt on the
people, then let him offer to
the LORD for his sins which
he has sinned a young bull
without blemish as a sin
offering.' "

Romans 3

21 But now the
righteousness of God apart
from the law is revealed,
being witnessed by the Law
and the Prophets, 22 even the
righteousness of God,
through faith in Jesus Christ,
to all and on all who believe.
For there is no difference;

23 for all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God,

24 being justified freely by
His grace through the
redemption that is in Christ
Jesus, 25 whom God set forth
as a propitiation by His
blood, through faith, to
demonstrate His
righteousness, because in
His forbearance God had
passed over the sins that
were previously committed,

26 to demonstrate at the
present time His
righteousness, that He might
be just and the justifier of
the one who has faith in


Today's passage from Romans is one of the most beautiful
statements in Scripture of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus bore our sins on the cross, He has made us righteous
in God's eyes. This righteousness comes through faith in Jesus
(v.22); is given to us by God's grace; and, best of all, is free to all
who believe (v.24).
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