Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:19 am

January 10


James 5:7-11

Therefore be patient,
brethren, until the
coming of the Lord.
__James 5:7

A 2006 survey of more than 1,000 adults discovered that most people take an average of 17 minutes to lose their patience while waiting in line. Also, most people lose their patience in only 9 minutes while on hold on the phone. Impatience is a common trait.

James wrote to a group of believers who were struggling with being patient for Jesus' return (James 5:7). They were living under exploitation and distressing times, and James encouraged them to "set the time of their temper" for the long run. Challenging these believers to persevere under suffering, he tried to stimulate them to stand firm and to live sacrificially until the Lord returned to right every wrong. He wrote: "Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand" (v.8).

James called them to be like the farmer who waits patiently for the rain and the harvest (v.7) and like the prophets and the patriarch Job who demonstrated perseverance in difficulties (vv.10-11). The finish line was just ahead and James encouraged the believers not to give up.

When we are being tried in a crucible of distress, God desires to help us continue living by faith and trusting in His compassion and mercy (v.11). __Marvin Williams


```````````````What is most difficult about being patient during````````````````
```````````````stressful times? ask God for the grace to help``````````````````
````````````````you live by faith and to live for the long run.``````````````````
The way to great patience is through great trials.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ James 5:7-9********************

7 Therefore be patient,
brethren, until the coming
of the Lord. See how the
farmer waits for the
precious fruit of the earth,
waiting patiently for it until
it receives the early and
latter rain. 8 You also be
patient. Establish your
hearts, for the coming of
the Lord is at hand

9 Do not grumble against
one another, brethren, lest
you be condemned. Behold
the judge is standing at the
door. 10 My brethren, take
the prophets, who spoke in
the name of the Lord, as
an example of suffering and
patience. 11 Indeed we count
them blessed who endure.
You have heard of the
perseverance of Job and
seen the end intended by
the Lord--that the Lord is
very compassionate and


The establishment of God's everlasting kingdom is the hope of the
believer. Since the moment of Christ's ascension, His followers have
eagerly anticipated his return. This awaited return is imminent,
and today's passage reminds us that we are to patiently wait for it
(v.7). Like a farmer who waits for all the necessary rains to produce
the best crop, Christians await the fulfillment of all that God has
planned for the coming of His kingdom. While we wait, we are to
"establish" our hearts (v.8) or "stand firm" (NIV), allowing the peace
of God to rule in us (Col. 3:15).
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