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PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:16 am
by cimi
December 17


Philippians 4:10-18
I thank my God...for
your fellowship in the
gospel from the first
day until now.
__Philippians 1:3,5

I received this note from a friend serving in an orphanage in a developing country: "Yesterday, as I was sitting at my office desk, I noticed a trail of ants on the floor. As I followed it, I was shocked to see that thousands of ants had blanketed the walls of our office building__inside and out. They swarmed everything. Fortunately, one of the workers...set to work. Less than an hour later, the ants were gone."

After telling this insect story, my friend wrote, "S How was your day at work?" Sometimes we need reminders of the needs of those who have left behind the comforts and conveniences of home. God calls each of us to different paths of service, and some paths are bumpy. Working in an office that is overrun by ants doesn't appeal to anyone, but my friend is not there for the perks.

She and many other believers have had their hearts captured by Christ and think that abandoning "essential" comforts and conveniences is a small thing to do to honor Him who loves us. They need our support in the way Paul depended on his friends in Philippi__for fellowship (Phil. 1:5), for finances (4:16), and for care (4:18). When we encourage our friends who have left their familiar environments to serve God elsewhere, we show our love for the One who sent them. __Dave Branon

````````````Dear Lord, give me wisdom to know which of Your`````````````
`````````````workers in the fields of the world need my help,`````````````
````````````````Show me how my family can surround them``````````````
````````````````````with encouragement and support.``````````````````
The glory of life is to love, not to be loved;
to give, not to get; to serve, not to be served.

*********************************Today's Bible Reading -- Philippians 4:10-18************************

10 But I rejoiced in the
Lord greatly that now at last
your care for me has
flourished again; though
you surely did care, but you
lacked opportunity. 11 Not
that I speak in regard to
need, for I have learned in
whatever state I am, to be
content: 12 I know how to
be abased, and I know how
to abound. Everywhere and
in all things I have learned
both to be full and to be
hungry, both to abound and
to suffer need. 13 I can do
all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

14 Nevertheless you have
done well that you shared
in my distress. 15 Now you
Philippians know also that
in the beginning of the
gospel, when I departed
from Macedonia, no church
shared with me concerning
giving and receiving but
you only. 16 For even in
Thessalonica you sent aid
once and agian for my
necessities. 17 Not that I
seek the gift, but I seek the
fruit that abounds to your
account. 18 Indeed I have all
and abound. I am full,
having received from
Epaphroditus the things
sent from you, a sweet-
smelling aroma, an
acceptable sacrifice, well
pleasing to God.


Philippians 4:19 is one of the most frequently quoted verses about
God's provision for the believer: "And my God shall supply all
your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Today's
reading, however, shows what precedes this great promise. Paul had
received a generous gift from the church at Philippi and recognized
that God would resupply them for their sacrificial contribution. In
this passage, we see how God is concerned about providing the
resources we need to contribute to His work.