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Postby cimi » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:46 pm

November 28


Ecclesiastes 5:13-20

As for every man...to
receive his heritage and
rejoice in his labor__
this is the gift of God.
__Ecclesiastes 5:19

In his book Daring To Draw Near, Dr. John White writes that several years earlier God had made it possible for him to acquire a lovely home with many luxuries. His feelings about the house fluctuated dramatically.

When he reminded himself that it was a gracious gift from God, he felt joy and thanksgiving. But when he would begin to compare it with those of his friends, he would feel proud because he had such a fine house and his joy would evaporate. His home would actually become a burden. All he could see were the many hedges and trees to care for and the endless odd jobs to do. White said, "While vanity clouds my eyes and burdens my heart, gratitude clears my vision and lightens my loads."

The writer of Ecclesiastes saw God at every turn in the enjoyment of material things. The power to eat the fruits of our labors and even the strength to receive and rejoice in them is from Him (5:18-19).

From beginning to end, all of life is a continous gift-giving by God. We deserve nothing. He owes us nothing. Yet He gives us everything. If we remember this, we need not feel selfish or guilty. Whatever material blessing we have are a gift from our gracious God. __Dennis J. DeHaan

```````````````````Ten thousand thousand precious gifts``````````````````
`````````````````````````My daily thanks employ;``````````````````````
`````````````````````Nor is the least a cheerful heart,```````````````````
````````````````That tastes those gifts with joy. __Addison````````````````
God, who has given so much to us, gives one more
thing__a grateful heart. __Herbert

*******************Today's Bible Reading __ Ecclesiastes 5:13-20*********************

13 There is a severe evil
which I have seen under the
sun: riches kept for their
owner to his hurt.

14 But those riches perish
through misfortune; when
he begets a son, there is
nothing in his hand. 15 As
he came from his mother's
womb, naked shall he
return, to go as he came;
and he shall take nothing
from his labor which he
may carry away in his hand.

16 And this also is a severe
evil__just exactly as he
came, so shall he go. And
what profit has he who has
labored for the wind? 17 All
his days he also eats in
darkness, and he has much
sorrow and sickness and

18 Here is what I have
seen" It is good and fitting
for one to eat and drink,
and to enjoy the good of all
his labor in which he toils
under the sun all the days
of his life which God gives
him; for it is his heritage.

19 As for every man to
whom God has given riches
and wealth, and given him
power to eat of it, to receive
his heritage and rejoice in
his labor__this is the gift of
God. 20 For he will not
dwell unduly on the days of
his life, because God keeps
him busy with the joy of his


Ecclesiastes shows the meaninglessness of life without God. It was
written by one who called himself "the Preacher, the son of David,
king in Jerusalem" (1:1)__commonly identified as Solomon. In
today's text, the author warns of the futility of hoarding material
wealth, because he knows we cannot take it with us when we die
(vv.13-17). Instead, he encourages us to consider our work and the
fruit of our labor as gifts from God for our enjoyment in the present

The writer of Ecclesiastes saw God at every turn in the enjoyment of material things. The power to eat the fruits
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