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Postby cimi » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:46 pm

October 26


Proverbs 4:14-27

Keep your heart with
all diligence, for out of
it spring the issues of
life. __Proverbs 4:23

My wife, Martie, is a careful shopper when it comes to buying healthy and nutritious food. No matter how attractive the packaging looks, she checks the list of ingredients on the back of the box. Lots of difficult-to-pronounce words usually announce the presence of preservatives that work against good nutrition. She always puts those items back on the shelf and continues to look for labels with lists of natural food products that contribute to good health.

I've often thought that her shopping habits are a lot like what God is looking for in our lives: It's what's on the inside that counts, regardless of how attractive the outside might be. It's no wonder that the wisdom-teller of Proverbs warns us to guard what goes into our hearts, "for out of it springs the issues of life" (Prov. 4:23). Wearing the right fashions and keeping ourselves looking young are of little importance if our hearts harbor greed, hatred, grumpiness, self-pity, and other counter-productive contents.

So, ask yourself: When others get past the packaging of my life, do they experience a heart full of healthy, Christ-honoring ingredients? By putting in grace, kindness, patience, and compassion, we'll reflect the wonderful nature of Christ. __Joe Stowell

``````````````Lord, teach me to value my heart more than the```````````````
````````````externals. Grant me the wisdom to cultivate internal````````````
``````````````ingredients that will make my heart a wellspring of````````````
```````````````life to those whom I come in contact with today.``````````````
The contents in your heart are more
important than the outer packaging.

**************************Today's Bible Reading __ Proverbs 4:14-27*************************

14 Do not enter the path of
the wicked, and do not
walk in the way of evil.

15 Avoid it, do not travel on
it; turn away from it and
pass on. 16 F+or they do not
sleep unless they have done
evil; and their sleep is
taken away unless they
make someone fall. 17 For
they eat the bread of
wickedness, and drink the
wine of violence.

18 But the path of the just
is like the shining sun, that
shines ever brighter unto
the perfect day. 19 The way
of the wicked is like
darkness; they do not know
what makes them stumble.

20 My son, give attention
to my words; incline your
ear to my sayings. 21 Do
not let them depart from
your eyes; keep them in
the midst of your heart;

22 For they are life to
those who find them,and
health to all their flesh.

23 Keep your heart with
all diligence, for out of it
spring the issues of life.

24 Put away from you a
deceitful mouth, and put
perverse lips far from
you. 25 Let your eyes look
straight ahead, and your
eyelids look right before
you. 26 Ponder the path of
your feet, and let all your
ways be established.

27 Do not turn to the right
or the left; remove your
foot from evil.

In proverbs, Solomon tells us how to live wisely. First, we are to use
our ears to listen carefully to God's Word for "[His words] are life
to those who find them" (4:20-22). Second, words from our mouths
should be godly and wholesome (v.24). Third, we are to be careful
what our eyes see (v.25). Finally, we're to be careful where our feet
bring us (vv.11-15,26-27) and with whom we walk (2:20).
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