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PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:03 pm
by cimi
August 20


2 Corinthians 3:1-3,

When going through old family photos, my cousins and i joke about which physical characteristics we've inherited. We notice primarily the negative ones: short legs, crooked teeth, unruly cowlicks. All of us can easily identify in our ancestors our own least favorite body part. In addition to physical attributes, we also inherited character traits__some good, some not so good. But we don't always pay as much attention to those.

According to my unscientific observations, people try all kinds of methods to overcome physical imperfections__exercise routines, weight-loss programs, makeup, hair coloring, cosmetic surgery. But instead of trying to overcome our character flaws, we tend to use them as an excuse for behaving badly. I suppose this is because changing our looks is easier than changing our character. But imagine how much better off we'd be if we put our energy into character development.

As God's children, we're not limited by our genetic makeup. We can surrender our flaws to Him and allow Him to fulfill the potential He had in mind when He created us as unique expressions of His love. The power of God's Son are at work in us, conforming us to His image (2 Cor. 3:18). __Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````I know, Lord, that You're more interested in the`````````````````
````````````condition of my heart than my outward appearance.````````````````
````````````Please make me into the person You want me to be__
`````````````filled with kindness, patience, integrity, and love.
The Spirit develops in us the clear image of Christ.

*******************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Corinthians 3:1-3,17-18*********************

1 Do we begin again to
commend ourselves? Or do
we need, as some others,
epistles of commendation to
you or letters of
commendation from you?

2 You are our epistle written
in our hearts, known and
read by all men; 3 clearly
you are an epistle of Christ,
ministered by us, written
not with ink but by the
Spirit of the living God, not
on tablets of stone but on
tablets of flesh, that is, of
the heart....

17 Now the Lord is the
Spirit; and where the Spirit
of the Lord is, there is
liberty. 18 But we all, with
unveiled face, beholding as
in a mirrior the glory of the
Lord, are being transformed
into the same image from
glory to glory, just as by the
Spirit of the Lord.


Today's reading is drawn from two complementary passages of
Scripture. Second Corinthians 3:1-3 indicates Paul's view that
the believers at corinth were epistles of Christ. Unlike the Ten
Commandments printed on tablets of stone, the Word of God was
written on their hearts.

Near the end of chapter 3, verses 17 and 18 point to another
spiritual truth. This metaphor refers back to the time when Moses
received the Ten Commandments and was required to wear a veil
to cover the glory radiating from his face. Paul uses this picture
to illustrate the veil of darkened understanding that is removed at
conversion. We are epistles of Christ who are being transformed by
the Spirit and the Word.