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Postby cimi » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:55 pm

June 6


Psalm 23

He leads me beside
the still waters. He
restores my soul; He
leads me in the paths
of righteousness for His
name's sake.
__Psalm 23:2-3

Stephen Ambrose's book Band of Brothers follows the US Army's Easy Company from training ni Georgia through the Normandy Invasion of D-Day (June 6, 1944) and ultimately to the end of Word War 11 in Europe. For the bulk of that time, Easy Company was led by Richard Winters. Winters was an especially good officer because he led from the front. The most commonly heard words from Winters in combat were, "Follow me!" Other officers may have sought the safety of the rear areas, but if Winters' men were going into combat, he was going to lead them.

Jesus is the one true Leader of His children. He know what we need and where we are most vulnerable. His leading is part of what makes Psalm 23 the most beloved song in the Bible's hymnal. In verse 2, David says that the Shepherd "leads me beside the still waters," and in verse 3 he adds, "He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." These twin ideas reveal why His care is so complete. Whether it is times of refreshing and strengthening ("still waters") or seasons of doing what pleases Him ("paths of righteousness"), we can follow Him.

As the old song says, "My Lord knows the way through the wilderness; all I have to do is follow." __Bill Crowder

```````````````My Lord knows the way through the wilderness;`````````````````
````````````````````````All I have to do is follow.``````````````````````````
````````````````````Strength for today is mine always```````````````````````
````````````````And all that I need for tomorrow. __Cox````````````````````

Jesus knows the way__follow Him!

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 23*********************

1 The LORD is my
shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He makes me to lie down
in green pastures; He leads
me beside the still waters.

3 He restores my soul; He
leads me in the paths of
righteousness for His
name's sake. 4 Yea, though
I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will
fear no evil; for You are
with me; Your rod and
Your staff, they comfort

5 You prepare a table
before me in the presence
of my enemies; You anoint
my head with oil; my cup
runs over.

6 Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow me all
the days of my life; and I
will dwell in the house of
the LORD forever.


Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved texts in all of Scripture. The
metaphor of a shepherd's care of his sheep paints a picture of the
concern God has for His people. This care is both physical (v2) and
spiritual (v.3). The critical moment in the psalm is verse 4. Up to
this point, David refers to the Shepherd in the third person ("He")
and describes God to the listener of the song. Beginning in verse 4,
David's attention turns from the listener to the Lord using second
person "You." Now the singer's full focus is on the Lord and His
care__in life's dark moments and in seasons of provision (vv.4-5).
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