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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:08 pm
by cimi
May 23


Ezekiel 34:11-16

Why do you say,...
"My way is hidden
from the LORD"?
__Isaiah 40:27

In the spring, shepherds in Idaho move their flocks from the low-lands into the mountains. Thousands of sheep move up the passes into the high country to summer pasture.

My wife and I came across a flock on Shaw Mountain last week. It was bedded down in a meadow by a quiet stream__a picturesque scene that evoked memories of Psalm 23.

But where was the shepherd? The sheep appeared to be alone__until a few broke away from the flock and began to wander toward a distant gully. Then we heard a shrill whistle from above the sheep, keeping watch over his flock. A mountain dog and two Border collies stood at his side. The dogs, responding to the shepherd's signal, bounded down the hill and herded the drifting sheep back to the flock where they belonged.

In the same way, the Good shepherd is watching over you. Even though you cannot see Him, He can see You! He knows you by name and knows all about you. You are the sheep of His pasture (Ezek. 34:31). God promises that He will "seek out" His sheep, "feed them in good pasture," and "bind up the broken" (vv.12, 14, 16).

You can trust in God's watchful care. __David Roper

`````````````````````I trust in God, I know He cares for me`````````````````````````
````````````````````On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;```````````````````````
`````````````````````Though billows roll, He keeps my soul,````````````````````````
`````````````````My heavenly Father watches over me. __Martin````````````````````

The Lamb who died to save us
is the Shepherd who lives to care for us.

***********************Today's Bible Reading __ Ezekiel 34:11-16**************************

11 For thus says the Lord
God: "Indeed I Myself will
search for My sheep and
seek them out. 12 As a
shepherd seeks out his flock
on the day he is among his
scattered sheep, so will I
seek out My sheep and
deliver them from all the
places where they were
scattered on a cloudy and
dark day. 13 and I will bring
them out from the people
and gather them from the
countries, and will bring
them to their own land; I
will feed them on the
mountains of Israel, in the
valleys and in all the
inhabited places of the
country. 14 I will feed them
in good pasture, and their
fold shall be on the high
mountains of Israel. There
they shall lie down in a
good fold and feed in rich
pasture on the mountains of
Israel. 15 I will feed My
flock, and I will make them
lie down," says the Lord
GOD. 16 "I will seek what
was lost and bring back
what was driven away, bind
up the broken and
strengthen what was sick'
but I will destroy the fat
and the strong, and feed
them in judgment."


God is the true and faithful shepherd of Israel. In contrast to
human leaders who may be guided by self-interest, Yahweh will
heal the broken and dispense justice: " 'I will feed My flock, and I
will make them lie down,' says the Lord GOD. 'I will seek what was
lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and
strengthen what was sick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong,
and feed them in judgment' " (Ezek. 34:15-16). At the end of this
world, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, will right all wrongs (Matt.
25:31-36; John 10:11).