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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:23 pm
by cimi
September 17


John 15:9-17

I have called you
friends, for all things
that I heard from My
Father I have made
known to you.
__John 15:15

While flying from Europe back to the US, I found myself sitting next to a little girl who never stopped talking from the moment she sat down. She told me the history of her family and all about her puppy, who was in the hold of the plane. She pointed excitedly to everything around us, "Look at this! Look at that!" I couldn't help but think that 8 hours of this could make for a very long flight!

We chatted for a while until she suddenly got quiet. She pulled her blanket up around her, so I thought maybe she was going to doze off. I quickly took advantage of the break and reached for the nearest magazine. But before I could open it, I felt a little elbow in my side. I looked down at her, and she threw out her little hand and said, "Hey, Joe, wanna be friends?"

My heart melted. "Sure," I said, "let's be friends."

In the midst of the turmoil lof life, when we think all we want is to be left alone, Jesus extends His nail-scarred hand and invites us to be His friends. He says, "I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15). We have a choice: to keep to ourselves, or to open our heart to a friendship of unlimited love and guidance. __Joe Stowell

~~~~~~~~~~~~~What a Friend we have in Jesus,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All our sins and griefs to bear!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What a privilege to carry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Everything to God in prayer. __Scriven~~~~~~~~~~~

Jesus longs to be your Friend.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ John 15:9-17***************

9 As the Father loved Me, I
also have loved you; abide
in My love. 10 If you keep
My commandments, you
will abide in My love, just
as I have kept My Father's
commandments and abide
in His love. 11 These things
I have spoken to you, that
My joy may remain in you,
and that your joy may be
full. 12 This is My
commandment, that you
love one another as I have
loved you. 13 Greater love
has no one than this, than to
lay down one's life for his
friends. 14 You are My
friends if you do whatever I
command you. 15 No longer
do I call you servants, for a
servant does not know what
his master is doing; but I
have called you friends, for
all things that I heard from
My Father I have made
known to you. 16 You did
not choose Me, but I chose
you and appointed you that
you should go and bear
fruit, and that your fruit
should remain, that
whatever you ask the Father
in My name He may give
you. 17 These things I
command you, that you
love one another.


In ancient Israel, disciples chose which rabbi they would follow. In
God's sovereignty, Jesus reversed that custom and chose His own
disciples (John 15:16). The friendship of which Jesus spoke was
based upon the revelation He gave from His Father to His disciples
(v.15). In that relationship, answers to prayer would be subordinate
to the Father's mission to bear fruit (v.16). __HDF