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Postby cimi » Mon May 06, 2013 11:59 pm

May 4


Psalm 31:9-20

Have mercy on me,
O LORD...; my eye
wastes away with grief,
yes, my soul and my
body! __Psalm 31:9

In a documentary film about three legendary guitarists, Jack White described the first essential for writing a song: "If you don't have a struggle already inside of you or around you, you have to make one up."

The songs that mean the most to us give expression to our deepest feelings. Many of the Psalms, often called "the Bible's songbook," were born out of struggle. They capture our disappointments and fears, yet they always point us toward the faithful love of God.

In Psalm 31, David wrote: "Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am in trouble; my eye wastes with grief, yes, my soul and my body!" (v.9). He speaks of a trap set for him(v.4), his own sin (v.10), abandonment by friends (vv.11-12), and plots against his life (v.13).

Yet, David's hope was not in his own strength, but in God. "I trust in You, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me" (vv.14-15).

The Psalms invite us to pour out our hearts toGod, because He has stored up His goodness for those who trust in Him (v.19). __Davic McCasland

`````````````````````God gives to His servants this promise:`````````````````
```````````````````````You'll not have to face life alone;``````````````````
````````````````````For when you grow weak in your struggle,`````````````
``````````````````His strength will prevail__not your own. __Hess```````````

When in your deepest need,
find God's comfort in the Psalms.

********************************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 31:9-20********************************

9 Have mercy on me, O
LORD, for I am in trouble;
ny eye wastes away with
grief, yes, my soul and my
body! 10 for my life is
spent with grief, and my
years with sighing; my
strength fails because of
my iniquity, and my bones
waste away, 11 I am a
reproach among all my
enemies, but especially
among my neighbors, and
am repulsive to my
acquaintances; those who
see me outside flee from
me. 12 I am forgotten like a
dead man, out of mind; I
am like a broken vessel.

13 For I hear the slander of
many; fear is on every side;
while they take counsel
together against me, they
scheme to take away my

14 But as for me, I trust in
You, O LORD; I say, "You
are my God." 15 My times
are in Your hand; deliver
me from the hand of my
enemies, and from those
who persecute me.

16 Make Your face shine
upon Your servant; save me
for Your mercies' sake.

17 Do not let me be
ashamed, O LORD, for I
have called upon You; let
the wicked be ashamed; let
them be silent in the grave.

18 Let the lying lips be put
to silence, which speak
insolent things proudly and
contemptuously against the

19 Oh, how great is Your
goodness, which You have
laid up for those who fear
You which You have
prepared for those who
trust in You, in the presence
of the sons of men! 20 You
shall hide them in the
secret place of Your
presence from the plots of
man; You shall keep them
secretly in a pavilion from
the strife of tongues.
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