Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:45 pm

April 11


Joel 2:21-27

I will restore to you
the years that the
swarming locust has
eaten. __Joel 2:25

None of us can say that we have no regrets. Often we are led down paths of bad choices__some paths longer than others__which can have a lingering effect on the mind, body, and soul.

A friend of mine spent a number of years living a life of alcohol and drug abuse. But God did an amazing work in his life, and he recently celebrated 25 years of being free from substance abuse. He now runs a successful business, has a devoted wife, and his children love Jesus. He has a passion to reach out to others who are in the ditch of life, and he serves a a wise and loving mentor in the rescue operations of their lives.

God never gives up on us! Even if we've made poor choices in the past that have left us with regret, we can choose how we will live now. We can choose to continue destructive living, simply wallow in regret, or we can run to Christ believing that He has ways to "restore...the years that the swarming locust has eaten" (Joel 2:25). When we repentantly seek His healing and freeing power, He is merciful.

While some consequences from the past may remain, we can be confident that God has a good and glorious future for those who trust in Him! __Joe Stowell

```````````Lord, it is with humble and grateful hearts that we``````````
``````````come to You and lay all that we have been in the past````````
```````````at Your feet. Take us as we are and make something```````
````````````beautiful out of our lives that brings glory to You!`````````
God never gives up on making
something beautiful out of our lives.

********************Today's Bible Reading __ Joel 2:21-27***********************

21 Fear not, O land; be
glad and rejoice, for the
LORD has done marvelous
things! 22 Do not be afraid,
you beasts of the field; for
the open pastures are
springing up, and the tree
bears its fruit; the fig tree
and the vine yield their
strength. 23 Be glad then,
you children of Zion, and
rejoice in the LORD your
God; for He has given you
the former rain faithfully,
and He will cause the rain
to come down for you....

24 The threshing floors shall
be full of wheat, and the
vats shall overflow with
new wine and oil.

25 So I will restore to you
the years that the swarming
locust has eaten, the
crawling locust, the
consuming locust, and the
chewing locust, My great
army which I sent among
you. 26 You shall eat in
plenty and be satisfied, and
praise the name of the
LORD your God, who has
dealt wondrously with you;
and My people shall never
be put to shame. 27 Then
you shall know that I am in
the midst of Israel: I am the
LORD your God and there is
no other. My people shall
never be put to shame.


Today's verses proclaim the restoration of lost abundance for Israel.
Abundance lost in years of drought and to infestation of locusts
will be restored. The immediate results of such blessing are that
God's people will eat and be satisfied and praise the name of the
Lord (v.26). But the ultimate purpose for the blessing is so that
God's people will know that He is in their midst (v.27). God has
been in the midst of His people in Christ, and we await the full
enjoyment of the restoration of the years devoured by sin and
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