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Your Love Oh Lord

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:32 pm
by 1st Timothy 4:12
Oh Lord! You're love has touched me in so many ways. Tonight it has left me breathless while talking to Kylie (my little sister) about you, about how YOU created the Earth. Not some accident or gigantic explosion! You're love is more than enough for me! I will NOT need anything that this world can provide as long as I can just taste Your love! You are HOLY, above all things!!!!! Who is like You? No single man can ever outshine You. You are the reason I am alive, and You, the creator of ALL things, have chosen to love me as Your daughter! My heart is Your's, Lord! I cannot even comprehend Your reasoning, but I don't need to. You are MY Savior! That one song You chose to play to me the night I realized Your AWESOME power will be nothing compared to the day I mee You face to face. I will serve You to the day I die!

Re: Your Love Oh Lord

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:24 pm
by cimi
Amen sister!