Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:02 pm

March 30


Matthew 28:1-10

O Death, where is
your sting?
__1 Corinthians 15:55
The radio ad for an upcoming seminar sounded intriguing. The announcer said, "You can beat death__ for good! Attend my seminar and I'll show you how." I wondered for a few moments what the speaker would claim could beat death and what his suggestions might be. Perhaps something about diet or exercise or freezing our bodies? After listening a little longer, though, I realized he had said, "You can beat debt__for good."

The most wonderful news is that we can beat death because Jesus paid our debt! (Cor. 15:55-57). Our debt of sin meant separation from God, but Jesus willingly gave up His life and was crucified on a cross to pay what we owed. As Mary Magdalene and another Mary went to the tomb on the third day to anoint His body, an angel told them: "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said" (Matt. 28:6). With great joy they ran to bring His disciples the word. On their way, Jesus met them and said, "Rejoice!" (v.9). Jesus had risen, and His followers had reason for rejoicing.

Jesus has removed the sting of death (1 Cor. 15:55). Now we too have victory by believing in the Son of God's death and resurrection for us. Through Jesus' perfect work, we can beat death__for good! __Anne Cetas

Dear Lord, thank You for sacrificing Your life for our
sins so that we might live. We're thankful that because
You died and rose again, we can have assurance that
one day we'll be with You in a place of no more death.
_________________________________We owed a debt we couldn't pay;
Jesus paid a debt He didn't owe.
******Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 28:1-10********

1 Now after the Sabbath,
as the first day of the week
began to dawn, Mary
Magdalene and the other
Mary came to see the tomb.

2 And behold, there was a
great earthquake; for an
angel of the Lord descended
from heaven, and came and
rolled back the stone from
the door, and sat on it. 3 His
countenance was like
lightning, and his clothing
as white as snow. 4 And the
guards shook for fear of
him, and became like dead

5 But the angel answered
and said to the women, "Do
not be afraid, for I know
that you seek Jesus who
was crucified. 6 He is not
here; for He is risen, as He
said. Come, see the place
where the Lord lay. 7 And
go quickly and tell Hs
disciples that He is risen
from the dead, and indeed
He is going before you into
Galilee; there you wll see
Him. Behold, I have told

8 So they went out quickly
from the tomb with fear and
great joy, and ran to bring
His disciples word. 9 And as
they went to tell His
disciples, behold, Jesus met
them, saying, "Rejoice!" So
they came and held Him by
the feet and worshiped
Him. 10 Then Jesus said to
them, "Do not be afraid. Go
and tell My brethren to go
to Galilee, and there they
will see Me."


Mary magdalene was a woman out of whom Jesus had driven seven demons (Mark 16:9). In gratitude, she committed herself to minister to Jesus' daily needs (Matt. 27:55; Luke 8:1-3). She was at the crucifixion site, comforting Jesus' mother at that difficult time (John 19:25). She was also at the garden tomb when Jesus was bruied (Matt. 27:57-61; Mark 15:45-47; Luke 23:55-56).
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