Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:43 pm

February 8


John 17:20-26

Precious in the sight
of the LORD is the
death of His saints.
__Psalm 116:15

Sometimes when the infinite God conveys His thoughts to finite man, mystery is the result. For example, there's a profound verse in the book of Psalms that seems to present more questions than answers: "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His faithful servants" (116:15NIV).

I shake my head and wonder how that can be. I see things with earthbound eyes, and I have a tough time seeing what is "precious" about the fact that our daughter was taken in a car accident at the age of 17__or that any of us have lost cherished loved ones.

We begin to unwrap the mystery, though, when we consider that what is precious to the Lord is not confined to earthly blessings. This verse examines a heaven-based perspective. For instance, I know from Psalm 139:16 that Melissa's arrival in God's heaven was expected. God was looking for her arrival, and it was precious in His eyes. And think about this: Imagine the Father's joy when He welcomes His children home and sees their absolute ecstasy in being face to face with His Son (see John 17:24).

When death comes for the follower of Christ, God opens His arms to welcome that person into His presence. Even through our tears, we can see how precious that is in God's eyes. __Dave Branon

~~~~~~~Lord, when sorrow grips our hearts as we think about~~~~~~~~
~~~~~the death of one close to us, remind us of the joy You are~~~~~~
~~~~~~~experiencing as our loved one enjoys the pleasures of~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~heaven. Please allow that to give us hope and comfort.~~~~~~~

A sunset in one land is a sunrise in another.

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ John 17:20-26*********************

20 I do not pray for these
alone, but also for those
who will believe in Me
through their word; 21 that
they all may be one, as You,
Father, are in Me, and I in
You; that they also may be
one in Us, that the world
may believe that You sent
Me. 22 And the glory which
You gave Me I have given
them, that they may be one
just as We are one: 23 I in
them, and You in Me; that
they may be made perfect
in one, and that the world
may know that You have
sent Me, and have loved
them as You have loved Me.

24 Father, I desire that
they also whom You gave
Me may be with Me where
I am, that they may behold
My glory which You have
given Me. for You loved
Me before the foundation
of the world. 25 O righteous
Father! The world has not
known You, but I have
known that You sent Me.

26 And I have declared to
them Your name, and will
declare it, that the love
with which You loved Me
may be in them, and I in


Much can be learned about someone from the content of his or her
prayers. John 17 is part of Jesus' prayer before going to Gethsemane
and the cross. Jesus looks to the future and prays for all believers,
which includes you and me. He prays that Christians may be united
and twice states that the purpose of Christian unity is to show the
world that God sent Jesus (vv.21,23).
I sha
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