Slow Your Roll

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Slow Your Roll

Postby logi bear » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:05 am

Another devotional from my church! Sorry I have not written any devos of my own guys, I am really not feeling well right now. I have not been doing my homework either! guilty face ----> :oops:

Slow Your Roll

Then Jacob went on his journey, and came into the land of the people of the east. Genesis 29:1

Jacob came to the actual place where Rachael was to be found. This is proof that God was with Him and that God was going to be faithful to His promises. God makes promises in our lives and it’s so wonderful when they come to pass. When we can actually behold, in a tangible way, the things that God promised, it’s encouraging.

Sometimes we read the Word and find it so encouraging… for someone else! We don’t think that God meant that encouragement from the Word for our own lives. We see God’s promises being fulfilled in someone else’s life, and we can get ripped off. We doubt and get discouraged; and we wonder where the Lord is in our own life. When God says that He will never leave us or forsake us, do we believe it for ourselves? Is He talking to me? But then the Lord brings to pass an application of His promises, in our own life, and He lifts our head and He encourages us and says, “See, I told you.” His promises are for you.

Jacob ends up, in Genesis 29:1, at the very place where his mother was from and where he would meet his beloved Rachael. No GPS. No iPhone 4S. God was leading Jacob, fulfilling His promises. A. W. Pink said this, “There are no chance happenings or accidents in a world that is governed by God. There are no chance meetings. There are no chance delays. There are no chance losses. There are no chance anythings in our lives. All of it is of Divine appointment.”

Are you seeking to be governed by God today? Well there are no chance happenings for you. There are no accidents in your world, for those of you who are governed by God. All of our life is of Divine appointment. That’s how we have to look at each situation in which we find ourselves. God is on the move. He is doing something in each of our lives. As we trust in Him, and commit ourselves to Him, there will be a peace in our lives that causes us to be still--a peace that passes all understanding. Not necessarily a peace that gives us all understanding, but passes all understanding. When we do this, we are able to go for the ride and trust God.

Just as Jacob finds himself in the exact place to meet Rachael, we will find ourselves in the exact places we need to be when we rest our case in His hands. When we don’t wait for God, we cause headaches. All of us need to slow our roll. Wait on the Lord. Trust Him. He will bring to pass those things that He has promised. God has no delays. He’s never late. He is always faithful to show up in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time. We don’t need to help Him. In fact, we are not even able to help Him. We’re not His agents. We are His instruments. Sit back and let God do what He does when He sees fit. “God, when you’re ready, bring me a spouse. God, when you’re ready, open the womb so that we can have children. God, when you’re ready, allow me to land the job I’ve been waiting for. God, when you’re ready, give us that house that we need so desperately.” When God is ready, He will do the next thing in your life. "Until then, Lord, teach us to do what Paul said—to be content with or without." Godliness with contentment is great gain. We can trust Him. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. Even when things are not “perfect,” we know that He is in control.
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logi bear
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Re: Slow Your Roll

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:44 am

Hi Logi bear, *Wave*
I am just glad to hear from you!
I pray the Lord will ease your sickness.
Another good share!!
I don't think I took the time to before so I will now, I wanted to thank you for coming forth with some of your testimony in the forum at easter, I wanted you to know we are blessed to have you here *hug*
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Re: Slow Your Roll

Postby logi bear » Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:24 pm

Thank You CUC : )
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logi bear
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Re: Slow Your Roll

Postby popples » Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:18 am

Thankyou for this its just what I needed to hear right now. slow down gwen!!!!!
Its just perfect for my life right now so again praise God in his word.
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