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Build, Call, Pitch, Dig

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:09 am
by logi bear
A devotional from my church!

Build, Call, Pitch, Dig

Genesis 26:24-25 says, “And the LORD appeared unto him (Isaac) the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake. And Isaac builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a well."

In verse 25 we see a four-step process. Isaac did the following: 1) He built an altar. 2) He called upon the name of the Lord. 3) He pitched his tent. 4) He had his servants dig a well.

It’s important that we understand the verbs in these four steps: He BUILT. He CALLED. He PITCHED. He DIGGED. These four things are the heart of the Christian’s life.

First, Isaac built the altar. The altar was a place of worship. It was a representation of redemption. That’s the first step. That’s how we come to God—through the blood of Jesus Christ because of His redemption on the Cross of Calvary. You and I can go to God, in such a wretched state that we are, because of the redemption of the cross of Calvary. If you think you can go to God any other way, you are being fooled. The ONLY way to God is through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

After Isaac builds and comes to the altar, he then calls on the Lord. This is a representation of communion. As soon as we come to the Lord, by His grace and the blood of Jesus Christ, there is a communion that takes place between us and God. We have fellowship with the Father.

Then, he pitches his tent. They lived in tents. By pitching his tent, Isaac was saying that this is where he would abide. He was going to abide in that place of redemption and communion.

Lastly, he had his servants dig a well. What’s in a well? Water! Water is where he would be satisfied. When you drink something after a hard day of work, what satisfies your thirst more than water? Nothing. No soda or Gatorade will do it. They even make you thirst more. When we are truly thirsty, it’s water that will satisfy. Isaac realizes that his satisfaction is in the living water. The living water of the living Word is where we will always be satisfied.

They found water. God blessed them. God provided. God blesses the place that you and I are called to be. He wants to bring each of us to a place where He can shower us with His blessings. We need to be in that place, abiding in Him. That is the place of sweet communion.