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No room for doubt

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:33 am
by HelloMyNameIsSimon
Yesterday was due to be a tough day for quite a few reasons. It was out of my hands, that I knew. So I prayed and I prayed and asked God to take control and get me through it.
He did. He got me through it.
I prayed and prayed and said 'Thank you Lord!' and I breathed a MASSIVE sigh of relief.
I realise now that the massive sigh of relief illustrated that I didn't trust God fully. The massive sigh of relief said it COULD have all gone wrong...'
When the Roman Centurian sent his men to ask Jesus to heal his servant, without even making the journey to the centurion's house, to just 'say the word' from where Jesus was, the centurion KNEW his servant would be healed. The centurion trusted God fully. I bet the centurion didn't breathe a sigh of relief because he KNEW what the outcome would be. I bet there WAS immense joy and thanks to God - but there was no doubt in the centurion that his servant would be healed. That's what a mustard-seed sized amount of faith will do.
For me, even if the outcome hadn't been what I'd desired yesterday, I proved that I NEED to trust God fully. No need for a sigh of relief at the end - joy, oh yes - thanks to God, oh yes!
But NO room for doubt.
Dear Father God, please instill in me a complete trust in You, a trust that has no room for doubt. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Re: No room for doubt

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:32 pm
by Zinnia
We recently had a situation with a family member that could have been very bad and God worked it out better than the person deserved. I prayed and searched the Word and gave it to God over and over but nothing gave me peace because I knew how it rightfully should have turned out. I kept turning it over to God but the "what ifs" kept after me. When all was positively resolved, I did the same as you, sighed a massive sigh of relief and thought the same as you did, that I wasn't trusting so very well. But then I also thought that all those "what ifs" gave me an idea of what God saved us and that person from. If I had not had those fears, I would not have cried out and turned to Him with the same intensity and I would not now have the confidence that He is the one who stepped in and handled the situation. Now my prayer is for the family member to see God's hand and turn their life over to Jesus!

Thank you for sharing that. It gave me a chance to thank God once again for His hand in my life!

~K *Strawberry*

Re: No room for doubt

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:21 am
by Timothy
Have ya all seen this:

a word on Doubt in our lives and how to over come that Doubt.

Read, exercize, and build your faith and walk with wisdom.
