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For all of us who haven't quite put ALL our trust in God yet

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:33 am
by HelloMyNameIsSimon
The first paragraph is taken from my Contagious Christianity book again...


We are often like a person who wanted to fly to another city. They studied all about aviation, discovered which airline had the safest record, went to the airport, found the right flight, checked over the airplane, and even interviewed the pilot, only to stand on the runway and watch the plane take off without them.

This was me for twenty years - I studied, and THOUGHT I knew God, but I never took the leap of faith that I needed to take.

I am now flying at 35,000 feet. :)

I pray that anyone who struggles to trust God fully can ask Him to take over the driving seat of their lives. Jesus is the way to God - and real freedom, true joy and, of course, salvation.

So all the hangups, worries, anxieties and sorrows that we cling on to and try to control oursleves can be brushed away. Not by us... but by Him. If you have lots of baggage that you think render it impossible to be the perfect Christian REMEMBER God loves you just the way you are. Sure He doesn't want to leave you that way, but hand your life over to Him - the good bits and the bad bits - and He will guide you home.

Six months ago I never would have thought I'd be talking like this. But that's because I left myself standing on the runway time after time. Now I'm on board I can tell you it is amazing.

May God Bless you all