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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:09 pm
by cimi
October 6


Philippians 2:1-11

Let this mind be in
you which was also in
Christ Jesus, who...
made Himself of no
reputation, taking the
form of a bondservant.

__Philippians 2:5-7

In his book The First Man, James Hansen chronicles Neil Armstrong's flight to the moon. The author explains how each astronaut was asked to fill out a report upon completion of the flight. The report listed how they traveled from Houston, Texas, to Cape Kennedy, Florida, to the Moon, to the Pacific Ocean, to Hawaii, and returned to Houston, Texas. What a list of destinations!

There is another itinerary that outshines any trip ever taken. Imagine this itinerary of our Savior, Jesus Christ: Place of origin--the heavenly places; Initial destination--Bethlehem; Mode of travel--the virgin birth; Reason for travel--the redemption of sinners; Return destination--the right hand of the Father.

Philippians 2:5-11 eloquently describes Christ's coming to earth to provide our redemption. One Bible commentator considers this passage a hymn of praise to the glory of the Suffering Servant who became exalted for His obedience: "Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God,...humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death.... Therefore God also has highly exalted Him" (vv.5-9).

Our Lord's extraordinary itinerary of redemption should fill our hearts with gratitude and praise! __Dennis Fisher

`````````````Our gracious redemption was carefully planned,`````````
``````````The gulf between heaven and earth has been spanned,``````
`````````````````The portals are open, the passage is free,``````````
```````````Oh, woundrous salvation it's even form me! __Johnson````

God broke into human history
to offer us the gift of eternal life.

**************Today's Bible rEading __ Philippians 2:1-11**********

1 Therefore if there is any
consolation in Christ, if any
comfort of love, if any
fellowship of the Spirit, if
any affection and mercy,

2 fulfill my joy by being
like-minded, having the
same love, being of one
accord, of one mind. 3 Let
nothing be done through
selfish ambition or conceit,
but in lowliness of mind let
each esteem others better
than himself. 4 Let each of
you look out not only for
his own interests, but also
for the interest of others.

5 Let this mind be in you
which was also in christ
Jesus, 5 who, being in the
form of God, did not
consider it robbery to be
equal with God, 7 but made
Himself of no reputation,
taking the form of a
bondservant, and coming in
the likeness of men. 8 And
being found in appearance
as a man, He humbled
Himself and became
obedient to the point of
death, even the death of the
cross. 9 therefore God also
has highly exalted Him and
given Him the name which
is above every name, 10 that
at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow, of those
in heaven, and of those on
earth, and of those under
the earth, 11 and that every
tongue should confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.


In this strategic text, Paul delivers two significant messages. The first (vv.1-4) is the need for followers of Christ to display the love,
compassion, and self-sacrifice necessary to serve one another within
the body of Christ. The second is to show us the ultimate role model
of the self-sacrifice--Christ Jesus (vv.5-11). In Christ we find the
perfect example of setting aside self for the benefit of others.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:59 pm
by Lani


Beautiful reminder of our Lord's unending Love and constant plea to LOVE one another.

Thanks for sharing that reminder cimi sis *hug*

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
