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PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:34 pm
by cimi
March 11


Genesis 32:3-13

I am not worthy of the
least of all the mercies.
__Genesis 32:10

Less than the least of all God's mercies." This was the motto of 17th- century English poet and clergyman George Herbert engraved on his signet ring, and it was the phrase with which he signed his letters and books. Jacob had spoken these words when he pondered God's goodness despite his own sin and shame: "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant" (Gen. 32:10).

The word "mercies" is from the Hebrew word chesed, meaning "God's enduring love." I think it is significant that it rose from the heart of one who saw himself as utterly unworthy.

Relying solely on God's faithful love, Jacob cries out: "Deliver me!" What an odd combination of thoughts: "I am not worthy ....Deliver" (vv.10-11). Unlike some who seem to have it all together, Jacob knew that everything he brought to God had been ruined by sin. He thought of himself as a man undeserving of God's grace. But his hope lay not in his worth but in the promise of God to look with favor on those who throw themselves on His mercy. Humility and contrition are the keys that open the heart of God.

As He did with Jacob, God hears us when we humbly cry out to Him for mercy. __David Roper

````````````For mercies so great, what return can I make?``````````
``````````````````For mercies so constant and sure?```````````````
```````````I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have````````````
`````````````As long as my life shall endure. __chisholm````````````

Mercy is an unearned blessing bestowed
by God on an unworthy recipient.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 32:3-13*************

3 Then Jacob sent
messengers before him to
Esau his brother.... 4 And
he commanded them saying,
"Speak thus to my lord Esau,
'Thus your servant Jacob
says: "I have dwelt with
Laban and stayed there until
now. 5 I have oxen, donkeys,
flocks, and male and female
servants; and I have sent to
tell my lord, that I may find
favor in your sight."'"

6 Then the messengers
returned to Jacob, saying,
"We came to your brother
Esau, and he also is coming
to meet you, and four
hundred men are with him."

7 So Jacob was greatly afraid
and distressed....

9 Then Jacob said, "O God
of my father Abraham and
God of my father Isaac, the
LORD who said to me,
'Return to your country and
to your family, and I will
deal well with you': 10 I am
not worthy of the least of all
the mercies and of all the
truth which You have shown
Your servant; for I crossed
over this Jordan with my
staff, and now I have become
two companies. 11 Deliver
me, I pray, from the hand of
my brother, from the hand of
Esau; for I fear him, lest he
come and attack me and the
mother with the children.

12 For You said, 'I will surely
treat you well, and make
your descendants as the sand
of the sea, which cannot be
numbered for multitude'"

13 So he lodged there that
same night, and took what
came to his hand as a present
for Esau his brother.


In Genesis 32, we read of Jacob preparing to meet with his brother
Esau after many years of separation. Jacob had taken both the
birthright and the blessing from Esau by different means and he was
fearful of retaliation. Because of this, Jacob asked God for mercy.