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PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:53 pm
by cimi
february 21


John 6:53-69

Simon Peter answered
Him, "Lord, to whom
shall we go? You have
the words of eternal
life." __John 6:68

One of the most difficult experiences in my years as a pastor was telling a member of our church that her husband, her son, and her father-in-law had all drowned in a boating accident. I knew the news would shatter her life.

In the days following their tragic loss, I was amazed as she and her family responded with unusual faith. Sure, there was deep brokenness, haunting doubt, and confusion. But when nothing else made sense, they still had Jesus. Rather than deserting him in the midst of their desperately difficult days, they ran to Him as the only source of hope and confidence.

This reminds me of the reaction of the disciples to Jesus. After some of them "went back and walked with Him no more" because He was hard to understand (John 6:66), Jesus turned to His inner circle, and asked, "Do you also want to go away?
(v.67). Peter got it right when he responded, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (v.68).

Whatever you face today, be encouraged by the words of Peter and by the example of a family who went through the fire with their faith intact. As long as you're running in the right direction--to Jesus-you'll find the grace and strength you will need. __Joe Stowell

```````````````````````Jesus is the One to run to`````````````````
``````````````````When our lives bring grief and pain;`````````````
````````````````He provides His strength and guidance`````````````
````````````````With a peace we can't explain. __Sper`````````````

When all is lost, remember that you haven't lost Jesus.
Run to Him.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ John 6:53-69*************

53 "Most assuredly, I say to
you, unless you eat the flesh
of the son of Man and drink
His blood, you have no life
in you.... 57 As the living
Father sent Me, and I live
because of the Father, so he
who feeds on Me will live
because of me. 58...He
who eats this bread will live

60 Therefore many of His
disciples, when they heard
this, said, "This is a hard
saying; who can understand

61 When Jesus knew in
Himself that His disciples
complained about this, He
said to them, "does this
offend you? 62 What then if
you should see the son of
Man ascend where He was
before? 63 It is the spirit who
gives life; the flesh profits
nothing. The words that I
speak to you are spirit, and
they are life. 64 but there are
some of you who do not
believe." For Jesus knew
from the beginning who they
were who did not believe,
and who would betray
Him.... 66 From that time
many of His disciples went
back and walked with Him
no more. 67 Then Jesus said
to the twelve, "Do you also
want to go away?"

68 But Simon Peter
answered Him, "Lord, to
whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life.

69 Also we have come to
believe and know that You
are the Christ, the Son of the
living God."


Jesus was not talking about communion when He spoke of eating
the flesh and drinking His blood (v.53), for no one is saved by
participating in communion. He was speaking metaphorically
(v.63) about His sacrificial death for the world (v.51). Between the
metaphor that He is the living bread (vv.35,57) and the water that
satisfies thirst (v.6:35; 7:37), He uses a bolder figure of speech when
He speaks of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. __Sim Kay Tee