Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:48 pm

February 14


John 13:1-5,33-35

By this all will know
that you are My
disciples, if you have
love for one another.
__John 13:35

Chinese New Year happens to fall on the same day as Valentine's Day in 2010. While these two festivals have similarities in how they are celebrated. In both cases, loved ones give gifts to express love for one another. Whether it is giving roses to your beloved on Valentine's Day or hong bao (red packets with money) to family and friends on Chinese New Year, they represent tokens of love.

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to "love one another," because "by this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35).

The love that our Lord wants His disciples to have for one another is different from the romantic kind displayed between loving couples and the brotherly kind shown between friends or family. It's an unselfish love. The Greek word John used in Jesus' command is agape__God's kind of love that expects nothing in return. That was what Jesus showed to His disciples when He "poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet" (v.5). That is the kind of love He displayed when He went to the cross for us.

Today, look for someone to whom you can show such unselfish love. __C.P.Hia

``````````````````Lord, teach us the secret of loving,``````````````
````````````````````The love You are asking today;```````````````
``````````````````Then help us to love one another;``````````````
````````````````For this we most earnestly pray. __Anon```````````

Bear one another's burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ. __Galatians

************Today's Bible Reading __ John 13:1-5,33-35***********

1 Now before the Feast of
the Passover, when Jesus
knew that His hour had
come that He should depart
from this world to the
Father, having loved His
own who were in the world,
He loved them to the end.

2 And supper being ended,
the devil having already put
it into the heart of Judas
Iscariot, Simon's son, to
betray Him, Jesus,
knowing that the Father had
given all things into His
hands, and that He had
come from God and was
going to God. 4 rose from
supper and laid aside His
garments, took a towel and
girded Himself. 5 After that,
He poured water into a
basin and began to wash the
disciples' feet, and to wipe
them with the towel with
which He was girded....

33 "LIttle children, I shall
be with you a little while
longer. You will seek Me;
and as I said to the Jews,
'Where I am going, you
cannot come.'' so now I say
to you. 34 A new
commandment I give to
you, that you love one
another; as I have loved
you, that you also love one
another. 35 By this all will
know that you are My
disciples, if you have love
for one another."


What a contrast we see between Jesus and His disciples! They had
been characterized by their self-seeking (Matt. 20:20-24). And now
Judas is ready to betray Him for money (John 13:2)--the ultimate
act of selfishness. Yet what an example of love we find in Christ
serving His disciples by washing their feet (v.5).
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