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PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:47 pm
by cimi
December 4


Ephesians 3:14-21

[I pray that] He would
grant you... to be
strengthened with
might through His
Spirit in the inner man.
__Ephsians 3:6

Are you getting what you want out of life? Or do you feel that the economy, your government, your circumstances, or other outside factors are robbing you of value and joy?

Recently, a polling agency asked 1,000 people what they most desired in their lives. One fascinating result was that 90 percent of Bible-believing Christians said that they wanted these outcomes: a close relationship with God, a clear purpose in life, a hight degree of integrity, and a deep commitment to the faith.

Notice that these hearfelt desires are all things we as individuals can do something about without outside human help. No government program will assist here, and tough economic times cannot steal these ideals. These life goals are achieved as we allow God's Word to rule in our hearts and as we receive the Spirit's strength to build up "the inner man" (Eph. 3:16), resulting in true joy.

In our complicated world, it's tempting to put our quest for what we desire into the hands of others--to expect an outside entity to fulfill our desires. while we sometimes need help, and we cannot live in isolation , it's not outside sources that provide true happiness. That comes for within--from letting Christ be at home in our hearts (v.17). __Dave Branon

```````````````````````Holy Spirit, all divine,````````````````````
``````````````````Dwell within this heart of mine;`````````````````
```````````````````Cast down every idol throne,``````````````````
```````````````Reign supreme and reign alone. __Reed````````````

If a troubled world gets you down, look up to Jesus.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Ephesians 3:14-21*********

14 For this reason I bow
my knees to the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ,

15 from whom the whole
family in heaven and earth
is named, 16 that He would
grant you, according to the
riches of His glory, to be
strengthened with might
through His Spirit in the
inner man, 17 that Christ
may dwell in your hearts
through faith; that you,
being rooted and grounded
in love, 18 may be able to
comprehend with all the
saints what is the width and
length and depth and
height-- 19 to know the love
of Christ which passes
knowledge; that you may be
filled with all the fullness of

20 Now to Him who is able
to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that
we ask or think according
to the power that works in
us, 3 to Him be glory in the
church by Christ Jesus to
all generations, forever and
ever. Amen.


Paul's words in today's Bible reading form one of the great
doxologies in the New Testament. The term doxology comes from
two Greek words, doxa (glory) and logos (word), meaning that a
doxology is a statement about the glory of God or of giving glory to
God. As you consider Ephesians 3:14-21, notice how Paul bows in
praise to God for the greatness of His love, then gives Him glory in
verses 20-21. __BILL CROWDER