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Postby cimi » Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:27 pm

August 21


Matthew 5:3-12

Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
__Matthew 5:3

I once viewed the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12 as a kind of sop Jesus threw to the unfortunates: "Well, since you aren't rich, and your health is bad, and your face is wet with tears, I'll toss out a few nice phrases to make you feel better."

Unlike medieval kings who threw coins to the masses, though, Jesus had the advantage of dangling real rewards before His audience. He who came down from heaven knew well that the glories of the kingdom of heaven would easily counterbalance whatever misery we might encounter here on earth.

Among many Christians, an emphasis on future rewards has gone out of fashion. My former pastor Bill Leslie used to observe, "As churches grow wealthier and more successful, they're less likely to sing 'This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through' and more likely to intone, 'This is my Father's world.'"

We dare not discount the value of hope in future rewards. One need only listen to the songs composed by American slaves to realize this consolation of belief. "Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home." "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows but Jesus."

Over time I have learned to respect, and even long for, the future rewards jesus has promised. __Philip Yancey

```````````````````Let me go, for earth's fond pleasures```````````
```````````````````````Soon will vanish and decay;```````````````
`````````````````````But the soul has richer treasures`````````````
``````````````````Shining bright as cloudless day. __Bucke`````````

Dark trials will be rewarded by bright crowns.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 5:3-12***********

3 Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who
mourn, for they shall be
comforted. 5 Blessed are the
meek, for they shall inherit
the earth. 6 Blessed are
those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they
shall be filled. 7 Blessed are
the merciful, for they shall
obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they
shall see God. 9 Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they
shall see God. 9 Blessed
are the peacemakers, for they
shall be called sons of God.

10 Blessed are those who are
persecuted for
righteousness' sake, for
theirs is the kingdom of

11 Blessed are you when
they revile and persecute
you, and say all kinds of
evil against you falsely for
My sake. 12 Rejoice and be
exceedingly glad, for great
is your reward in heaven,
for so they persecuted the
prophets who were before


In the Gospel of Matthew, there are five great discourses or lengthy
discussion of Jesus' teaching (Matt. 5-7,10,13,18, and 24-25).
Matthew 5-7, commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount,
describes the character (5:3-12) and conduct (5:13-7:29) of a
Christ-follower. Matthew 5:3-12 is also popularly known as the
Beatitudes, from the Latin word for "blessed," beatus. Writer
R. Kent Hughes calls them the "Beautiful Attitudes," for in them we
see what the heart of a true child of God is like. __SIM KAY TEE
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