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Postby cimi » Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:08 pm

September 13


Romans 5:1-5

We also glory in
tribulations, knowing
that tribulation
produces perseverance.
__Romans 5:5-3

Some people think you shouldn't draw in your Bible, but I'm glad my daughter Melissa drew in hers. In the margin next to Romans 5, she used a green ink pen to draw a small, simple smiley face, and circled verse 3.

How could she have known that her family and friends would need this
passage when she left us so suddenly in a car accident at age 17: How could she know that these verses would tell the lives of others over the past 7 years?

Romans 5 begins by explaining our justification through faith, which gives us peace with God through Jesus (v.1). Melissa had that peace. And right now she is enjoying the fruits of her faith, as verse 2 describes: We "rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Imagine the smiley face she could draw now!

And then there's the rest of us--all of us left behind when loved ones precede us in death. Somehow, we "rejoice in our sufferings." Why? Our suffering brings perseverance, which brings character, which brings us hope (vv.3-4).

We feel helpless in times of tragedy, but we are never hopeless. God pours His love into our hearts--and with it the great hope of His glory. It's all part of God's mysterious yet marvelous plan. __Dave Branon

````````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY```````````````````

`````````If you have lost a loved one and want to learn more`````````
`````````````about heaven, read the online publication``````````````
`````````Our Eternal Home at www.discoveryseries.org/rd911````````

God often digs wells of joy
with the spade of sorrow.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 5:1-5************

1 Therefore, having been
justified by faith, we have
peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through
whom also we have access
by faith into this grace in
which we stand, and rejoice
in hope of the glory of God.

3 And not only that, but we
also glory in tribulations,
knowing that tribulation
produces perseverance;

4 and perseverance,
character; and character,
hope. 5 Now hope does not
disappoint, because the love
of God has been poured out
in our hearts by the Holy
Spirit who was given to us.


Prior to this passage, Paul had shown that all humanity is spiritually
dead and without hope, under the judgment of God. The Law in
which Israel had hoped was no aid to salvation, but rather a mirror
set up to display the sinfulness of human beings. Yet there is hope,
Jesus Christ by His atoning sacrifice has made salvation possible for
all who believe. In Romans 5, Paul writes of the peace that faith in
Christ brings (v.1). __DENNIS FISHER
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