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Postby cimi » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:46 pm

June 27


Proverbs 1: 1-9

My son, hear the
instruction of your
father. __Proverbs 1:8

The custom of a bachelor party before a wedding is often characterized by drunkenness and carousing. The party-hearty attitude seems driven by the belief that the groom will soon be married and have to settle down to a life of domestic boredom.

Not long ago, one of my nephews got married. The best man planned a get-together for Joel, but with a refreshing differeNce. Those invited were asked to bring some thoughts to share that would help him in this new chapter of life.

When I arrived at the informal breakfast, I found a cheerful spirit of camaraderie. Fathers, uncles, brothers, and friends were animated in lively discussion. THe father of the bride and the father of the groom were asked to share their advice on what they had learned in their own Christian marriage. Their thoughts were personal, realistic, and biblical.

The book of Proverbs mirrors this kind of mentoring in facing life's challenges and rewards. "My son, hear the instruction of your father... for [it] will be a graceful ornament on your head" (Prov. 1:8-9).

How God-honoring it would be if more couples began their marriage with an attitude that heeded the wisdom of those who walked the path before them. __Dennis Fisher

``````````````````Lord, give us ears to hear advice````````````````
``````````````````From loved ones wise and humble,``````````````
```````````````````So when life's challenges appear```````````````
`````````````````We will not have to stumble. __Sper`````````````

He is truly wise who gains his wisdom
from the experience of others.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Proverbs 1:1-9**********

1 The proverbs of Solomon
the son of David, king of

2 To know wisdom and
instruction, to perceive the
words of understanding, 3 to
receive the instruction of
wisdom, justice, judgment,
and equity; 4 to give
prudence to the simple, to
the young man knowledge
and discretion-- 5 a wise
man will hear and increase
learning, and a man of
understanding will attain
wise couNsel. 6 to
understand a proverb and an
enigma, the words of the
wise and their riddles.

7 The fear of the LORD is
the beginning of
knowledge, but fools
despise wisdom and

8 My son, hear the
instruction of your father,
and do not forsake the law
of your mother, 9 for they
will be a graceful ornament
on our head, and chains
about your neck.


Solomon, the wisest person at that time (1 Kings 4:30-31), wrote
about 3,000 proverbs, including Proverbs 1. Only a portion of
them, however, are contained in the Book of Proverbs. Solomon is
credited as the author of most of them (Prov. 1:1; 10:1; 2:1). The
others were written by Agur (30:1-33), or king Lemuel (31:1-9), or
an unknown person (22:17-24:34; 31:10-31). Focusing on moral and
ethical principles, Proverbs teaches us how to live godly lives in an
ungodly world. The key to God-honoring living is "the fear of the
LORD" (1:7; 9:10; 15:16,33). __SIM KAY TEE
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