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PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:02 pm
by cimi
June 26



Who shall not fear You,
O Lord, and glorify
Your name? For You
alone are holy.....
Your judgments have
been manifested.
__Revelation 15:4

We've all heard the expression, "I don't get mad; I just get even." Reading about the judgments described in Revelation, one might assume that God will get "even" with sinners for their phenomenal offenses throughout the history of mankind.

The truth is that God's final judgment is a necessary expression of his holy justice. He can't turn a blind eye to sin. In fact, if he doesn't finally carry out justice as described in Revelation, it would be a denial of His holy character. That's why in the midst of His judgments, the saints will sing His praise: "Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy.... Your judgments have been manifested" (15:4). Those who know God best do not judge Him for His judgments; rather, they worship and affirm His actions.

What should surprise us is not the massive scale of God's judgments, but that He's waiting so long! Desiring that none should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), God is now mercifully restraining His judgment and giving maximum space to His marvelous mercy and grace. Now is the time to repent and take advantage of His patient love. And when we do, we'll join the saints in praising Him for all eternity! __Joe Stowell

``````````````````O love of God, how rich and pure!```````````````
````````````````````How measureless and strong!````````````````
````````````````````It shall forevermore endure--````````````````
````````````````The saints' and angels' song. __Lehman```````````

When God's justice is finally and fully revealed,
His praises will resound

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Revelation 15**************

1 Then I saw another sign in
heaven, great and marvelous:
seven angels having the
seven last plagues, for in
them the wrath of God is
complete. 2 And I saw
something like a sea of glass
mingled with fire, and those
who have the victory over
the beast, over his image and
over his mark and over the
number of his name,
standing on the sea of glass,
having harps of Gold. 3 They
sing the song of Moses, the
servant of God, and the song
of the Lamb, saying:

"Great and marvelous are
Your works, Lord God
Almighty! Just and true are
Your ways, O King of the
saints! 4 who shall not fear
You, O Lord, and glorify
Your name? For You alone
are holy. For all nations shall
come and worship before
You, for Your judgments
have been manifested."

5 After these things I
looked, and behold, the
temple of the tabernacle of
the testimony in heaven was
opened. 6 And out of the
temple came the seven
angels having the seven
plagues, clothed in pure
bright linen, and having their
chests girded with golden
bands. 7 Then one of the four
living creatures gave to the
seven angels seven golden
bowls full of the wrath of
God who lives forever and
ever. 8 The temple was filled
with smoke from the glory
of God and from His power,
and no one was able to enter
the temple till the seven
plagues of the seven angles
were completed.


Some scholars relate the song of Moses (v.3) to the song of deliverance
first sung following the Egyptian exodus (Ex. 15). Isaiah prophesied that
a similar song would be sung yet again (Isa. 11:15-12:6), praising God
who is my strength and song" and "has become my salvation" (Isa.
12:2; see Ex. 15:2). __SIM KAY TEE