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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:32 pm
by cimi
May 25


Matthew 26:6-13

What this woman has
done will also be told
as a memorial to her.
__Matthew 26:13

In 1948, the US Air Force Chief of Staff noticed that no one attended the funeral of an airman at Arlington National cemetery, and that deeply disturbed him. He talked with his wife about his concern that each soldier be honored at burial, and she began a group called the Arlington Ladies.

Someone from the group honors each deceased soldier by attending his or her funeral. The ladies also write personal notes of sympathy and speak words of gratitude to family members when they are present. If possible, a representative keeps in contact with the family for months afterward.

Margaret Mensch, an Arlington Lady, says, "The important thing is to be there for the families.... It's an honor to.... Pay tribute to the everyday heroes that make up the armed forces."

Jesus showed the importance of paying tribute. After a woman poured a costly, fragrant oil on His head, He said that she would be honored for years to come (Matt. 26:13). The disciples were indignant and thought her act was wasteful, but Jesus called it "a good work" (v.10) for which she would be remembered.

We know heroes who have given their lives in service to God and their country. Let's honor them today. __Anne Cetas

````````````````````````Lord, help us to appreciate```````````````
`````````````````````````The work that others do,```````````````
````````````````````The service given from their hearts,```````````
`````````````````````Their sacrifice for You. __Sper``````````````

We honor God when we honor one another.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 26:6-13**********

6 And when Jesus was in
Bethany at the house of
Simon the leper, 7 a woman
came to Him having an
alabaster flask of very costly
fragrant oil, and she poured
it on His head a He sat at
the table. 8 But when His
disciples saw it, they were
indignant, saying, "Why this
waste? 9 For this fragrant oil
might have been sold for
much and given to the poor."

10 But when Jesus was
aware of it, He said to them,
"Why do you trouble the
woman? for she has done a
good work for Me. 11 For
you have the poor with you
always, but Me you do not
have always. 12 For in
pouring this fragrant oil on
My body, she did it for My
burial. 13 Assuredly, I say to
you, wherever this gospel is
preached in the whole
world, what this woman has
done will also be told as a
memorial to her."


Lepers were social outcasts who were quarantined in a leprosy
colony (Lev. 13:45-46). Some scholars believe that Simon was a leper
who had been healed by Jesus. Perhaps, to remind him of this, he
became know as Simon the Leper (Matt. 26:6). He may have been
related to Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Some say he was Martha's
husband, for Martha was serving the dinner (John 12:2), implying
that she was the hostess, and Lazarus sat at the main table (John 12:2).
__Sim Kay Tee