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Postby cimi » Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:58 pm

January 21


Exodus 3:13-18

Who is like You, O
LORD, among the gods?
Who is like You,
glorious in holiness,
fearful in praises,
doing wonders?
__Exodus 15:11

As a young girl writing in my diary, my secret ambition was to compose the perfect sentence. I wondered what it would look and sound like. perhaps it wold include a strong verb and colorful adjectives.

My pursuit of the perfect sentence will never be satisfied, but I have found a statement of perfection in Exodus 3:14. When the Lord God called Moses from the burning bush, He told him that he had been chosen to bring His people out of bondage in Egypt (v.10). Moses, who was anxious about this responsibility, wondered what to say if the Israelites doubted him and asked who he was representing.

The Lord replied, "I AM WHO I AM" (v.14). By using His unique name, He offered Moses a glimpse of the nature of His eternal existence in one sentence. You might say it's a statement of perfection!

Bible commentator G. Bush writes this about God's description of Himself: "He, in distinction from all others, is the one only true God, the God who really is.... The eternal, self-existent, and immutable Being; the only being who can say that He always will be what He always has been."

God says, "I AM WHO I AM." He and His name are perfect. In reverence we are to bow before Him. __Anne Cetas

```````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY````````````````````

`````````At the name of Jesus, every knee will one day bow.`````````
`````````To learn about His name read The Amazing Prophecy````````
`````````````Of Names at www.discoeryseries.org/q0207````````````

Looking for perfection? Look to Jesus.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Exodus 3:13-18*************

13 Then Moses said to God,
"Indeed, when I come to the
children of Israel and say to
them, "The God of your
fathers has sent me to you,'
and they say to me, 'What is
His name?' what shall I say
to them?"

14 And God said to Moses,
"I AM WHO I AM." And
He said, "Thus you shall say
to the children of Israel, 'I
AM has sent me to you.' "

15 Moreover God said to
Moses, "Thus you shall say
to the children of Israel:
'The LORD God of your
fathers, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob, has
sent me to you. This is My
name forever, and this is My
memorial to all generations.'

16 "Go and gather the
elders of Israel together, and
say to them, "The LORD God
of your fathers, the God of
Abraham, of Isaac, and of
Jacob, appeared to me,
saying, "I have surely visited
you and seen what is done
to you in Egypt; 17 and I
have said I will bring you up
out of the affliction of Egypt
to the land of the Canaanites
and the Hittites and the
Amorites and the Perizzites
and the Hivites and the
Jebusites, to a land flowing
with milk and honey." '

18 "Then they will heed
your voice; and you shall
come, you and the elders of
Israel, to the king of Egypt;
and you shall say to him,
'The LORD God of the
Hebrews has met with us;
and now, please, let us go
three days' journey into the
wilderness, that we may
sacrifice to the LORD our
God.' "


One of the names of God, "I AM WHO I AM' (v.14a), has been
translated in various ways: "I will be what I will be,"
"I was, I am, I always will be!" or simply the shortened "I AM"
(v.14b) meaning "I exist!" __Sim Kay Tee
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