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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:53 pm
by cimi
January 15


Psalm 119:25-32

As optimistic as I am (I can find a bright side to just about everything), I also know that life can be a dark and lonely place.

I've talked to teenagers who have a parent whose anger makes just going home after school a dreaded trip.

I've known people who can't escape the curtain of depression.

I've spent considerable time with others who, like my wife and me, are enduring life with the sudden death of a child.

I've seen what relentless poverty can do to people all over the world.

Despite knowing that these scenarios exist, I don't despair. I know that hope is available in Jesus, that guidance comes through the Spirit, and that knowledge and power are found in God's Word.

The words of Psalm 119 give us encouragement. When our soul "clings to the dust," we can be revived according to God's Word (v.25). When our soul is full of sorrow, we can be stengthened by His Word (v.28). When we are threatened by deceit, we can follow the truth of His Word (vv.29-30). Our heart can be set free by God's commands (v.32).

Are life's demands overwhelming you? If so, you can find hope, guidance, and knowledge to help. It's in God's Word.

__Dave Branon

`````````````````If our soul is parched and thirsty`````````````````
````````````````And you feel weighed down by care,```````````````
`````````````````Go to God's Word for refreshment--``````````````
`````````````You'll find strength and comfort there. __Sper``````````

A well-read Bible makes a well-fed soul.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:25-32***********

25 My soul clings to the
dust; revive me according
to Your Word. 26 I have
declared my ways, and You
answered me; teach me
Your statutes. 27 Make me
understand the way of your
precepts; so shall I meditate
on Your wonderful works.

28 My soul melts from
heaviness; strengthen me
according to Your Word.

29 Remove from me the way
of lying, and grant me Your
law graciously. 30 I have
chosen the way of truth;
Your judgments I have laid
before me. 31 I cling to Your
testimonies; O LORD, do not
put me to shame! 32 I will
run the course of Your
commandments, for You
shall enlarge my heart.


In Psalm 119:32; the Hebrew word translated "enlarge" can
connote "the alleviation of trouble or anxiety." This word can also
mean "adequate room to move and so a greater ease of life" (see
Ezek. 42:7), "gladness in a certain situation" (see Isa. 60:5), or
"creating a favorable opportunity" (see Prov. 18:16). We have been
promised tribulation in this world (John 16:33). But the yielded
heart can experience more of God's help, resulting in joy, in new
opportunities, and in the ease of suffering. __Dennis Fisher