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Postby cimi » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:43 pm

January 8


Revelation 17:9-14

These will make war
with the Lamb, and the
Lamb will overcome
them, for He is Lord of
lords and King of kings.
__Revelation 17:14

It might be surprising how many people around the world know that today is Elvis Presley's birthday. The enduring popularity of the singer from Mississippi spans generations and cultures. More than 30 years after his death, sales of Presley's music, memorabilia, and licensing agreements generate millions of dollars in annual income. Once dubbed "The King of Rock and Roll," Elvis is often called simply, "The King."

Whether the "kings" of this world are celebreties, athletes, crowned heads or tycoons, they come and go. Their influence may be immense and their followers fanatically loyal, but it doesn't last forever.

The Bible, however, refers to Jesus Christ as the eternal King. Revelation 17 speaks prophetically of earthly kings who will fight to establish their authority at the end of the ages. Biblical scholars have debated the identities of these kings, but there is no mistake about the One they cannot overpower: "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful" (Rev. 17:14).

Jesus Christ the Lord is King, and he will reign forever.
__David McCasland

`````````````````The King of kings and Lord of lords,``````````````
`````````````````Who reigns today within our heart,```````````````
````````````````Will one day bring His peace on earth__````````````
`````````````````A kingdom that will not depart. __Sper```````````

There is no greater privilege than to be
a subject of the King of kings.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ REvelation 17:9-14**********

9 Here is the mind which
has wisdom: The seven
heads are seven mountains
on which the woman sits.

10 There are also seven
kings,. Five have fallen, one
is, and the other has not yet
come. And when he comes,
he must continue a short
time. 11 The beast that was,
and is not, is himself also
the eighth, and is of the
seven, and is going to

12 The ten horns which you
saw are ten kings who have
received no kingdom as yet,
but they receive authority
for one hour as kings with
the beast. 13 These are of
one mind, and they will
give their power and
authority to the beast.

14 These will make war with
the lamb, and the Lamb
will overcome them, for He
is Lord of lords and King of
kings; and those who are
with Him are called,
chosen, and faithful.


The book of Revelation is one of the most neglected in the Bible.
Many people are hesitant even to attempt to delve into it, viewing
it as too mysterious to be understood. Such a view is unfortunate,
for the name of the book comes from the word revelation in the
book's first verse. According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, the
Greek word for revelation means "a disclosure of truth, instruction
in things before unknown." Far from being too difficult to be
understood, Revelation is intended to be an unveiling of truth__
specifically, truth about Jesus Christ (1:1). __Bill Crowder
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