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November 21 Friday : OF TRACK

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:50 pm
by cimi
November 21


2 Samuel 12:9

Why have you despised
the commandment of
the LORD, to do evil in
His sight?
__2 Samuel 12:9

When I sat in my car at the start of the automatic car wash, I didn't know that my left front tire was not properly lined up with the track. The car wash started but my car wasn't moving, so I accelerated. That caused my tire to jump the track.

Now I was stuck--I couldn't move forward or backward. The car wash continued through its cycle without my car. Meanwhie, cars began lining up and waiting for me. I was glad when two workers at the station helped me get my car back on the track.

Sometimes in our Christian lives we get off track too. King David did in a big way. He committed adultery with Bathsheba and later ordered that her husband be put "in the forefront of the hottest battle" and left there to be killed (2 Sam. 11:3-4, 15-17). David's actions were way out of line with how God wanted him to behave as His chosen king.

David needed help to get back on track. The Bible says that "the LORD sent Nathan to David" (12:1). He confronted him about stealing another man's wife, and David wisely repented (v.13). Nathan took a risk to help David get right with God, even though his sin still had dire consequences.

Does someone you know need your help to get back on track?

__Anne Cetas

```````````````````Fellowship with other Christians````````````````
``````````````````Strengthens us when we are weak,``````````````
``````````````````Reprimands when we are sinning,```````````````
```````````````Helps us when God's will we seek. __Sper```````````

True love dares to confront.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Samuel 12:1-13***********

1 Then the LORD sent
Nathan to David. And he
... said to him: "There
were two men in one city,
one rich and the other poor.

2 The rich man had
exceedingly many flocks
and herds. 3 But the poor
man had nothing, except
one little ewe lamb....

4 "And a traveler came to
the rich man, who refused
to take from his own flock
and from his own herd to
prepare one for the
wayfaring man...; but
he took the poor man's

5 So David's anger was
greatly aroused against the
man, and he said to Nathan,
"As the LORD lives, the man
who has done this shall
surely die! 6 and he shall
restore fourfold for the
lamb, because he did this
thing and because he had
no pity."

7 Then Nathan said to
David, "You are the man!
Thus says the LORD God of
Israel:... 9 'Why have you
despised the commandment
of the LORD, to do evil in
His sight? You have killed
Uriah the Hittite with the
sword; you have taken his
wife to be your wife....

10 Now therefore, the sword
shall never depart from your
house, because you have
despised Me....' 11 Thus
says the LORD: 'Behold, I
will raise up adversity
against you from your own
house; and I will take your
wives before your eyes and
give them to your neighbor,
and he shall lie with your
wives in the sight of this
sun. 12 For you did it
secretly, but I will do this
thing before all Israel,
before the sun.' "

13 So David said to Nathan,
"I have sinned agianst the
LORD." And Nathan siad to
David, "The LORD also has
put away your sin; you shall
not die."