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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:41 pm
by cimi
November 12


2 KINGS 22:3-11

I Have found the Book
of the Law in the house
of the LORD.

In an old house close to a Civil War battleground in Virginia, workers are painstakingly restoring graffiti.

Unsightly scribbling similar to what we scrub from public view is considered a clue to knowledge of the past. Workers are ecstatic when a new letter or word emerges from obscurity to provide information that has remained hidden for over 145 years.

The story brings to mind a scene in ancient Israel when Hilkiah the priest found the long lost book of the law in the temple of the Lord. The very words of God, entrusted to the nation of Israel, had been ignored, forgotten, and eventually lost. But King Josiah was determined to follow the Lord, so he instructed the priest to restore worship in the temple. In the process, the Law of Moses was discovered.

But an even greater discovery was yet to be made. many years later, after meeting Jesus, Philip reported to his friend Nathanael: "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law" (John 1:45 NIV).

People today get excited about discovering the scribbles of Civil War soldiers. How much more exciting it is to discover the words of Almighty God expressed in the Word made flesh, Jesus the Messiah. __Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````````The treasures of the Word of God`````````````
``````````````````````Are great beyond compare;```````````````
````````````````````But if we do not search them out,`````````````
```````````````````We cannot use what's there. __Sper```````````

The Bible is old, but its truths are always new.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Kings 22:3-11**************

23 Now it came to pass, in
the eighteenth year of King
Josiah, that the king sent
Shaphan the scribe, the son
of Azaliah, the son of
Meshullam, to the house of
the LORD, saying: 4 "Go up to
Hilkiah the high priest, that
he may count the money
which has been brought into
th house of the LORD....

5 And let them deliver it into
the hand of those doing the
work, who are the overseers
in the house of the LORD; let
them give it to those who are
in the house of the LORD
doing the work, to repair the
damages of the house__ 6 to
carpenters and builders and
masons__and to buy timber
and hewn stone to repair the
house. 7 However there need
be no accounting made with
them of the money delivered
into their hand, because they
deal faithfully.

8 Then Hilkiah the high
priest said to Shaphan the
scribe, "I have found the
Book of the Law in the
house of the LORD," And
Hilkiah gave the book to
Shaphan, and he read it. 9 So
Shaphan the scribe went to
the king, bringing the king
word, saying, "Your servants
have gathered the money that
was found in the house, and
hhave delivered it into the
hand of those who do the
work, who oversee the house
of the LORD." 10 Then
Shaphan the scribe showed
the king, saying,
Hilkiah the
priest has given me a book."
And Shaphan read it before
the king. 11 Now it happened,
when the king heard the
words of the book of the
Law, that he tore his clothes.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INSIGHT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<LLike King Josiah, the great reformer Martin Luther felt compelled to
obey Scripture. Summoned by the Roman emperor in 1521, Luther
was asked to recant his writings on biblical doctrine. His reply was
"MY conscience is captive to the Word of God." __Dennis Fisher