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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:39 pm
by cimi
November 2


Psalm 119:129-136

The entrance f Your
words gives light.
__Psalm 119:130

As a high school teacher and college professor, I have observed that learning is a cooperative effort between the student and the instructor. That's why educators try to get the student involved in class participation. The teacher does some work; the student does some work. Together progress is made. Education happens.

In Psalm 119, the writer suggests a similar pattern in verses 129:136. God is the teacher; we are the students.

Let's look at God's role in our education. He shows us mercy (v.132). He guides our steps (v.133). And He redeems us from outside trouble (v.134).

But first we must be eager students, ready to accept God's teaching, guidance, and help. We should enter His classroom with anticipation: "The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.... I longed for Your commandments" (vv.130-131). In our role as students of God's word, we should fulfilll three requirements: (1) examine God's words for what they are teaching, (2) gain understanding from those words, and (3) obey His statutes.

It's time to enter God's classroom and listen and learn from Him. When we do, we'll look at God with renewed love and at the world with renewed concern (v.136). __Dave Branon

`````````````````Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine,``````````````
``````````````````````And jewels rich and rare```````````````````
````````````````````Are hidden in its mighty depths```````````````
``````````````````For every searcher there. __Hodder`````````````

Careful meditation on the Scriptures
makes for a closer walk with the Savior

************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:129-139************

129 Your testimonies are
wonderful; therefore my
soul keeps them. 130 The
entrance of Your words
gives light; it gives
understanding to the simple.

131 I opened my mouth and
panted, for I longed for
Your commandments.

132 Look upon me and be
merciful to me, as Your
custom is toward those who
love Your name. 133 Direct
my steps by Your Word,
and let no iniquity have
dominion over me.

134 Redeem me from the
oppression of man, that I
may keep Your precepts.

135 Make our face shine
upon Your servant, and
teach me Your statutes.

136 Rivers of water run down
from my eyes, because men
do not keep Your law.


Although technically not a chapter (it is actually a song), Psalm
119 is nevertheless the longest distinct portion of Scripture found
in any book in the bible. The song is David's tribute to the primacy
of the Word of God in our living and thinking. In this section of the
Psalm, the poet uses several words to describe God's revealed truth:
testimonies (v.129), words (v.130), commandments (v.131), Word
(v.133), precepts (v.134), statutes (v.135), law (v.136). Each of these
words provides a different nuance in the way God's truth operates in
the hearts of those who love His name (v.132). __Bill Crorwder