Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:42 pm

October 3


JER. 36:1-8,21-26

Write... all the words
that I have spoken to
you... that everyone
may turn from his evil
way, that I may forgive
their iniquity and their
sin. )Jeremiah 36:2-3

The American Library Association has designated this week as Banned Books Week in celebration of the freedom to read and to express one's opinion "even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular."

The Bible is the all-time bestselling book, but in some parts of the worlds it is banned because it's considered dangerous. The Bible is dangerous, however, only to those who fear finding out that they are wrong. It's dangerous to those who exploit the weak and the innocent, who use force to keep others enslaved in poverty and ignorance, who don't want to give up their favorite sin, who believe that salvation can be found apart from Christ.

No one wants to be told they are wrong. No one wants to hear that their behavior is putting themselves and those they love in danger or that God's patience will eventually wear out. Yet that was the message God told Jeremiah to write (Jer.36:2). When His message was read to King Jehoiakim, the king cut up the scroll and threw it into the fire(v.23).

The only way to know we are right is to be willing to discover where we are wrong. Read the all-time bestselling banned book and let it reveal to you the truth about God__and about yourself. __Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````````Lord Jesus, show thyself to me```````````````
````````````````````````In very truth and deed;`````````````````
```````````````````Help me to find, O Christ, in Thee,``````````````
`````````````````More that my deepest need. __Clarkson``````````

The Bible shows us a picture of who we really are.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Jeremiah 36:8,21-26********

1 Now... this word came to
Jeremiah from the LORD,
saying: 2 "Take a scroll of a
book and write on it all the
words that I have spoken to
you against Israel, against
Juda, and against all the
nations.... 3 It may be that
the house of Judah will hear
all the adversities which I
purpose to bring upon them,
that everyone may turn from
his evil way...."

4 Then Jerimiah called
Baruch the son of Neriah;
and Baruch worte on a scroll
of a book, at the instruction
of Jeremiah, all the words of
the LORD which He had
spoken to him. 5 And
Jeremiah commanded
Baruch,.... 6 "You go,
therefore, and read from the
scroll which you have written
at my instruction, the words
of the LORD, in the hearing of
the people in the LORD's
house.... 7 It may be that
they will present their
supplication before the LORD,
and everyone will turn from
his evil way...." 8 And
Baruch... did according to
all that Jeremiah the prophet
commanded him.....

21 So the king sent Jehudi to
bring the scroll.... And
Jehudi read it in the hearing
of the king.... 22 Now the
king was sitting in the winter
house... with a fire burning
on the hearth before him.

23 And it happend, when
Jehudi had read three or four
columns, that the king cut it
with the scribe's knife and
cast it into the fire that was
on the hearth, until all the
scroll was consumed in the
fire that was on the hearth.

24 Yet they were not afraid,
... the king nor any of his
servants who heard all these
words. 25 Nevertheless
Elnathan, Delaiah, and
Gemariah implored the king
not to burn the scroll; but he
would not listen to them.

26 And the king commanded
Jerahmeel the king's son,
seraiah the son of Azriel, and
Shelemiah the son of Abdeel,
to seize Baruch the scribe and
jeremiah the prophet, but the
LORD hid them.
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