Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:33 pm

November 5


Psalm 139:1-10-, 23-24

Examine me, O LORD,
and prove me; try my
mind and my heart.
For Your lovingkindness
is before my eyes.
__Psalm 26:2-3

Our dog, Dolly, is a 7-year-old West Highland Terrier. She loves to dig in the dirt, which means she gets very dirty. We bathe her every week or so at home, but occasionally she gets so grimy and tangled that we have to take her to a professional groomer.

She used to hate to go to the groomer because the woman was always in a rush and inclined to be bad-tempered and harsh. Getting Dolly through the door was a struggle. Just the sight of the shop made her want to run away.

Last year we decided to try another groomer and discovered that our dog, though not always overjoyed at the prospect, was less reluctant to go. That's because the groomer is kind to her even thought she must wash Dolly thoroughly, causing discomfort.

When sin and defilement accumulate in our hearts, we need to be cleansed. Like the psalmist David, we must ask God to "examine" and "try" our minds and hearts, and to point out our wicked thoughts, attitudes, and ways (Ps. 139:23-24). Our Lord may cause discomfort, for exposure is often difficult, but we can approach Him without fear.

The Lord's examination of us, though sometimes painful, is gentile and kind. __David Roper

`````````````search me, O God, and know my heart today;``````````
``````````````Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray.``````````
`````````````````See if there be some wicked way in me;```````````
```````````Cleanse me from every sinn and set me free. __Orr``````

Repentance is the hurt that leads to healing.

***********Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 139:1-10,23-24*********

1 O LORD, You have
searched me and known
me. 2 You know my sitting
down and my rising up; You
understand my thought afar
off. 3 You comprehend my
path and my lying down,
and are aquainted with all
my ways. 4 For there is not
a word on my tongue, but
behold, O LORD, You know
it altogether.

5 You have hedged me
behind and before, and laid
Your hand upon me. 6 Such
knowledge is too wonderful
for me; t is high, I cannot
attain it.

7 Where can I go from
Your Spirit? Or where can I
flee from Your presence?

8 I I ascend into heaven,
You are there; if I make my
bed in hell, behold, You are
there. 9 If I take the wings
of the morning, and dwell
in the uttermost parts of the
sea, 10 even there Your hand
shall lead me, and your
right hand shall hold

23 Search me, O God, and
know my heart; try me, and
know my anxieties; 24 and
see if there is any wicked
way in me, and lead me in
the way everlasting.


Psalm 139 is certainly one of David's most introspective songs.
The New Bible Commentary says that it teaches great doctrine
"...but such abstractions are far from its heart. For to the psalmist,
omniscience is God's complete knowledge of me; omnipresence,
God with me in every place; creatorship, God's sovereign ownership
of every part of me; and holiness, God's will that I be like Him. The
psalm is not written by one who would escape this God if only he
could, or fly from him as a sinner, but one who knows he cannot
escape and finds nothing to regret in such a truth." __BILL CROWDER
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Postby Lani » Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:36 pm


Yes, acknowledging the sin, shedding light on it... is the first step toward healing and returning to Him. When we don't take the time to ask His help, we live in denial. Sin is sin, it is there until we choose to return to Him and rebuke that which is not of Him.

Thank you sister Cimi, for the daily reminders to stay His.

Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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