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Postby cimi » Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:40 pm

September 23


John 14:12-14

Whatever you ask in
My name, that I will
do, that the Father may
be glorified in the son.
__John 14:13

In 2008, the Day of Discovery film crew traveled to China on a special assignment__to retrace the life of missionary Eric Liddell, the 1924 Olympic gold medalist whose story was told in the movie Chariots of Fire. The crew took with them Eric's three daughters, Patricia, Heather, and Maureen__allowing them to revisit some of the places where the two older sisters had lived in China. Also along on the trip was their elderly Aunt Louise.

On one occasion, after the entourage had arrived in Beijing, they had to walk quite a distance with their luggage. As they did, Aunt Louise grew short of breath. Julie Richardson, a Day of Discovery crew member, sat down beside her, put her hand on her knee, and prayed simply, "Dear Jesus, help Aunt Louise to breath." Immediately, she began to catch her breath.

Later, Heather retold the story and shared that Julie's prayer had rekindled her faith. Julie's simple act of faith reminded Heather of the continual connection we have with Jesus--a reality she had set aside in her life.

Sometimes we need reminders that God is near. When trials come and God seems far away, remember Julie's prayer and the truth that we are just one prayer from connection with the God of the universe (John 14:13). _DAVE BRANON

```````````````God answers prayer, it is His sovereign way``````````
`````````````````To freely give His blessings day by day;```````````
`````````````One earnest plea and lo! from heaven's throne`````````
`````````````The answer comes, for God has heard His own.`````````

God delights in the earnest prayers of His people.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ John 14:12-14************

12 Most assuredly, I say to
you, he who believes in
Me, the works that I do he
will do also; and greater
works than these he will
do, because I go to My
Father. 13 and whatever
you ask in My name, that I
will do, that the Father may
be glorified in the Son. 14 If
you ask anything in My
name, I will do it.


John 14:12, "Greater works than these he will do," has generated
much debate among christians. Can a believer ever outperform
Jesus? Has anyone successfully fed 15,000 people (estimates based
on Matt. 14:21) with just 5 loaves and 2 fish and end up with 12
basketfuls of leftovers? (vv.17-20). Can a servant be above his
master? (John 13:16). Some bible teachers say "greater works"
refers to the transforming work of the gospel, where 3,000 souls
were saved in the first gospel sermon preached by Peter (Acts 2:41),
just as subsequent evangelists like Billy Graham would reach out to
millions of people.

Others relate the "greater works" to the greater works of John
5:20-24 where God shows the Son the greater works He, the Father,
would do. This is the power of giving life to the dead (John 5:21),
something that God does when Christians proclaim the gospel__the
dead in sin are made alive with Christ (Eph. 2:5-6). SIM KAY TEE
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