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Postby cimi » Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:21 pm

September 3


Philippians 1:18-18

I want you to
know, brethren,
that the things which
happened to me have
actually turned out
for the furtherance
of the gospel.__Philippians 1:12

On a map in the back of my Bible, each of Paul's missionary journeys is shown by a colored line with arrows indicating his direction of travel. On the first three, the arrows lead away from his place of departure and back to a point of return. On the fourth journey, however, Paul was traveling as a prisoner, bound for trial before Caesar, and the arrows point only one direction, ending in Rome.

We might be tempted to call this an unfortunate time in Paul's life, if it were not for his view that God was leading and using him just as much on
this journey as He did on the previous three.

He wrote: "I want you to know, brethren, that the thing which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the Word without fear" (Paul. 1:12-14).

Even when our journey in life is marked by confinement and limitations, we can be sure that the Lord will encourage others through us as we speak His Word and trust in Him.
__David McCasland

For the Christian, what looks like a detour
may actually be a new road to blessing.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 1:8-18************

8 For God is my witness,
how greatly I long for you
all with the affection of
Jesus Christ.

9 And this I pray, that your
love may abound still more
and more in the knowledge and
all discernment, 10 that you
may approve the things that
are excellent, that you may
be sincere and without
offense till the day of Christ,

11 being filled with the fruits
of righteousness which are
by Jesus Christ, to the glory
and praise of God.

12 But I want you to know,
brethren, that the things
which happened to me have
actually turned out for the
furtherance of the gospel,

13 so that it has become
evident to the whole palace
guard, and to all the rest,
that my chains are in Christ;

14 and most of the brethren
in the Lord, having become
confident by my chains, are
much more bold to speak
the word without fear.

15 Some indeed preach
Christ even from envy and
strife, and some also from
goodwill: 16 The former
preach Christ from selfish
ambition, not sincerely,
supposing to add affliction
to my chains; 17 but the latter
out of love, knowing that I
am appointed for the
defense of the gospel,

18 What then? Only that in
every way, whether in
pretense or in truth, Christ is
preached; and in this I
rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.


It is an indicator of Paul's character that he is more concerned about
the mission than about himself (v.18). In verses 15-17, he describes
different motives in the hearts of those preaching Christ, and that
some actually seek to add to his hurt. His response? That isn't
important__what matters is that Christ is preached. __BILL CROWDER
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