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Postby cimi » Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:47 pm

July 25


Acts 26:13-23

...repent, turn to
God, and do works
befitting repentance.
Acts 26:20

One of my favorite Peanuts comic strips features Charlie Brown saying to Snoopy, "I hear you're writing a book on theology. I hope you have a good title." Snoopy responds, "I have the perfect title: Has It Ever Occurred To You That You Might Be Wrong?"

.Snoopy's title reminds us that our understanding of God and what He requires of us is sometimes twisted. Because our wrong beliefs lead to wrong behavior, we need to "repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance" (Acts 26:20).

The Greek word translated "repent" is metanoeo, which means "change your mind." As Paul indicated, repentance does not mean just nodding in polite agreement with God, and continuing the same way we were going. When we turn our thoughts toward God--when we truly agree with Him about what is right__our behavior will follow. Like a car, we go in the direction we are pointed. So when we truly turn our minds and hearts toward God, our actions change accordingly.

Instead of going happily along, assuming that our choices are right, we need to regularly stop and ask ourselves Snoopy's question. As Paul taught, it is only when we are willing to admit being wrong that we can be certain of being right with God. __Julie Ackerman Link

`````````````We must acknowledge when we're wrong,`````````````
``````````````````````Confessing it as sin,``````````````````````
``````````````If we would know God's power to heal```````````````
``````````````And cleans us from within. __Fasick`````````````````

Either we conform our desires to the truth or
we conform the truth to our desires. __Os Guinness

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ Acts 26:12-23**********

12 While thus occupied, as I
journeyed to Damascus with
authority and commission
from the chief priests, 13 at
midday, O king, along the
road I saw a light from
heaven, brighter than the sun,
shining around me and those
who journeyed with me.

14 And when we all had fallen
to the ground, I heard a voice
speaking to me and saying in
the Hebrew language, "Saul,
Saul, why are you
persecuting Me? It is hard for
you to kick against the

15 So I said, "Who are You,
Lord?" And He said, "I am
Jesus, whom you are
persecuting. 16 But rise and
stand on your feet; for I have
appeared to you for this
purpose, to make you a
minister and a witness both
of the things which you have
seen and of the things which
I will yet reveal to you. 17 I
will deliver you from the
Jewish people, as well as
from the Gentiles, to whom I
now send you, 18 to open
their eyes, in order to turn
them from darkness to light,
and from the power of Satan
to God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins and an
inheritance among those who
are sanctified by faith in Me."

19 Therefore, King Agrippa,
I was not disobedient to the
heavenly vision, 20 but
declared first to those in
Damascus and in Jerusalem,
and throughout all the region
of Judea, and then to the
Gentiles, that they should
repent, turn to God, and do
works befitting repentance,

21 For these reasons the Jews
seized me in the temple and
tried to kill me. 22 Therefore,
having obtained help from
God, to this day I stand,
witnessing both to small and
great, saying no other things
than those with the prophets
and Moses said would
come-- 23 that the Christ
would suffer, that He would
be the first to rise from the
dead, and would proclaim
light to the Jewish people and
the the Gentiles.
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Postby Mackenaw » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:33 pm

Awwwwwwwesome! Amen!!! and Amen!!!

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