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Postby cimi » Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:21 pm

July 19


2 Chronicles 26:3-15

His fame spread far
and wide, for he was
marvelously helped till
he became strong.
__2 Chronicles 26:15

In George MacDonald's fairy tale Lilith, giants live among normal people. These giants must conduct their daily affairs very carefully. When they sleep, their snoring is disruptive. When they turn over, houses may be crushed under their weight.

In the bible, Uzziah became a "giant" of a man after becoming king at age 16. The keys to his success are recorded in 2 Chronicles 26. His father Amaziah set a good example for him (v.4). The prophet Zechariah instructed him (v.5). He had an army of fighting men and capable generals who helped him (vv.11-15).

Clearly, King Uzziah became a "giant" through the Lord's blessing. But after attaining success, he grew careless and stumbled badly. The clue to his demise is found in the phrase "he was marvelously helped till he became strong" (v.15).

Those last four words serve as a dire warning to us all. Uzziahs "heart was lifted up, to his destruction" (v.16)-21). He usurped the priestly duties and became leprous (vv.16-21).

We have all been marvelously helped__by our Lord God, by those He has given to set an example for us, and by those who serve alongside us. When we become strong, we must take heed, or we too will stumble. __Albert Lee

````````````````When all goes well and I feel strong,```````````````
`````````````````````Oh, help me, Lord, to see```````````````````
``````````````````That I must place my confidence````````````````
``````````````````In You and not in me. __Anon.`````````````````

I have never met a man who has given me as much
trouble as myself. __D. L. Moody

************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Chronicles 26:3-15*********

3 Uzziah was sixteen years
old when he became king,
and he reigned fifty-two
years in Jerusalem.... 4 And
he did what was right in the
sight of the LORD, according
to all that his father Amaziah
had done. 5 He sought God in
the days of Zechariah, who
had understanding in the
visions of God; and as long
as he sought the LORD, God
made him prosper.

6 Now he went out and
made war against the
Philistines, and broke down
the wall of Gath, the wall of
Jabneh, and the wall of
Ashdod; and he built cities
around Ashdod and among
the Philistines. 7 God helped
him against the Philistines,
against the Arabians who
lived in Gur Baal, and
against the Meunites.

8... His fame spread as far
as the entrance of Egypt, for
he became exceedingly

9 And Uzziah built towers in
Jerusalem.... 10 Also he
built towers in the desert. He
dug many wells, for he had
much livestock....: he also
had framers and vinedressers
in the mountains and in
Carmel, for he loved the soil.

11 Moreover Uzziah had an
army of fighting men who
went out to war by
companies.... 12 The total
number of chief officers of
the mighty men of valor was
two thousand six hundred.

13 And under their authority
was an army of three
hundred and seven thousand
five hundred, that made war
with mighty power, to help
the king against the
enemy.... 15 So his fame
spread far and wide, for he
was marvelously helped till
he became strong.


As long as Uzziah sought the Lord, God prospered him (v.5). He
was prospered in his military causes (v.7), his reputation (v.8), his
building projects (v.9), and his cultivation of crops (v.10). God
blesses areas of life that are yielded to Him. __DENNIS FISHER
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