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Postby cimi » Sat May 02, 2009 5:19 pm

May 2


Psalm 112

The righteous will
be in everlasting
__Psalm 112:6

One reason we're left here on earth and not taken to heaven immediately after trusting in Christ for salvation is that God has work for us to do. "Man is immortal," Augustine said, "until his work is done."

The time of our death is not determined by anyone or anything here on earth. That decision is made in the councils of heaven. When we have done all that God has in mind for us to do, then and only then will He take us home--and not one second before. As Paul put it, "David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep" (Acts 13:36).

In the meantime, until God takes us home, there's plenty to do. "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day," Jesus said. "Night is coming when no one can work" (John 9:4). Night is coming when we will once for all close our eyes on this world, or our Lord will return to take us to be with Him. Each day brings that time a little closer.

As long as we have the light of day, we must work--not to conquer, acquire, accumulate, and retire, but to make visible the invisible Christ by touching people with His love. We can then be confident that our "labor is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:58). __David Roper

```````````````````If you rely upon God's strength ```````````````
``````````````````````And live a life that's true,``````````````````
``````````````````Then what you do in Jesus' name```````````````
````````````Will be His work through you. __D. De Haan````````````

In God's eyes, true greatness is serving others.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 112**************

1 Praise the LORD!

Blessed is the man who
fears the LORD, who
delights greatly in His

2 His descendants will be
mighty on earth; the
generation of the upright
will be blessed. 3 Wealth
and riches will be in his
house, and his
righteousness endures
forever. 4 Unto the upright
there arises light in the
darkness; he is gracious,
and full of compassion, and
righteous. 5 A good man
deals graciously and lends;
he will guide his affairs
with discretion. 6 Surely he
will never be shaken; the
righteous will be in
everlasting remembrance.

7 He will not be afraid of
evil tidings; his heart is
steadfast, trusting in the

8 His heart is established;
he will not be afraid, until
he sees his desire upon his
enemies. 9 He has dispersed
abroad, he has given to the
poor; his righteousness
endures forever; his horn
will be exalted with honor.

10 The wicked will see it
and be grieved; he will
gnash his teeth and melt
away; the desire of the
wicked shall perish.


The respected Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown commentary says this of
psalm 112; "This psalm may be regarded as an exposition of Psalm
111:10, presenting the happiness of those who fear and obey God,
and contrasting the fate of the ungodly." Psalm 111:10 reads, "The
fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding
have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures
forever." __Bill Crowder
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